Annual UPEI Graduate Studies and Research Conference

On Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday May 16, 17, 18, 2018, the School of Graduate Studies will be holding its Annual UPEI Graduate Studies and Research Conference. This will be the first time that grad students from all UPEI faculties will jointly participate in presenting their research at a university-wide event.  These three days are a celebration of the accomplishments of our Graduate Students and their research efforts. Over the course of the two days, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows from multiple faculties will present their research orally or in poster sessions. Opening ceremonies are scheduled to begin at 9:00 am on Wednesday, May 16. Students (undergraduate and graduate), researchers, and faculty are encouraged to attend as much of the conference as their schedule permits. Most activities will occur in AVC Lecture Theatre A and the McCain Foundation Learning Commons at AVC. This year, we are instituting a no-cost registration to facilitate planning and communication to participants. Register today!

MBA in Global Leadership- Information Session

UPEI’s Faculty of Business is launching the *New* MBA in Global Leadership program this Fall. This 12-month cohort-model program is designed for those who have completed an undergraduate degree and wish to continue into graduate studies. Anyone interested in learning more about this new program is invited to an information session on Thursday, May 10th, from 12:15 to 1:15 in AVC 218S. The MBA Coordinator will be there to give an overview of the program and there will be a representative from the Registrar’s Office there to assist candidates in making their application to the program. The $75 application fee will be waived for those in attendance that apply at the session. Pizza and refreshments will be available. Please call (902) 894-2866 or email to reserve a seat.

Mi'kmaq National Flag-Raising

President and Vice-Chancellor Alaa Abd-El-Aziz invites members of the Indigenous, University, and Prince Edward Island community to the historic raising of the Mi'kmaq National Flag at the University of Prince Edward Island on Monday, May 7, 2018 at 3:00 pm at UPEI Alumni Canada Games Place. Please enter at the main entrance of the track facility at the north end of campus, and follow along the fence to access the flag pole area. 

2018 ProGRES Summer Program

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering at UPEI will be holding its 2nd ProGRES Summer Program to promote engineering research interest and involvement among young women in high school. Through the ProGRES Program, high-school students will have the opportunity to participate in cutting-edge research projects with world-class researchers in state-of-the-art facilities. The selected students will work directly with a woman faculty researcher and mentor on an independent research project, and they will have opportunities to meet and work with women engineers and women engineering students. Young women of Prince Edward Island going into grades 11 and 12 are encouraged to apply for the ProGRES Summer Program by completing this application form. Application forms will be reviewed and successful applicants will be selected to participate in engineering research projects at UPEI’s Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering for a five-week period (July 9 – August 10). Each participant will also be awarded a stipend of $2200. There will be 7-8 participants selected, depending on interest. Participants will be asked to share their research experiences with the public and their peers in the following school year. The hope is that the shared research experiences will encourage more young women to choose Engineering at UPEI and see how women can thrive and be successful as engineering researchers or professional engineers. Application Deadline is Monday, May 28, 2018, by 5:00 PM.

Neuroscience Journal Club

The monthly meeting of the UPEI & Friends Neuroscience Journal Club will be held on Friday May 11, 2018 from 3-4 pm in the "fishbowl" of the Duffy Research Centre (NRC). All neuroscience research students as well as faculty, scientists and staff with an interest in neuroscience topics are welcome to attend. For a copy of the paper to be discussed please contact Rebecca Reed-Jones ( or Andy Tasker (

Families, Work and Mobility Atlantic Canada Symposium Reception

The Families, Work, and Mobility Atlantic Canadian Symposium will examine intersections between diverse families, work situations, and employment-related geographical mobility in the Canadian context. This event will facilitate dialogue and sharing between those studying, serving and supporting families who are experiencing work-related mobility with a focus on leading and emerging policy and practices at home, at work, and in the community. It will bring together (face-to-face and virtually) policy and civil society leaders from multiple sectors, researchers studying the intersectionality between families and employment-related geographical mobility in Canada, and families directly impacted by work-related mobility. What the Live Stream here:

Families, Work and Mobility Atlantic Canada Symposium

The Families, Work, and Mobility Atlantic Canadian Symposium will examine intersections between diverse families, work situations, and employment-related geographical mobility in the Canadian context. This event will facilitate dialogue and sharing between those studying, serving and supporting families who are experiencing work-related mobility with a focus on leading and emerging policy and practices at home, at work, and in the community. It will bring together (face-to-face and virtually) policy and civil society leaders from multiple sectors, researchers studying the intersectionality between families and employment-related geographical mobility in Canada, and families directly impacted by work-related mobility. Watch the Live Stream here:

Public Speaking Workshop with Bruce Rainnie

From June 12 to 14, UPEI's Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture (ACLC) program will host a public speaking workshop run by Bruce Rainnie. As Practitioner in Residence for UPEI's ACLC program and former host of CBC News: Compass, Bruce brings a wealth of public communications experience. He is currently President and CEO of the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame in Halifax, and is known nationally for his work with CBC Sports' Hockey Night in Canada and eight Olympic games–including the most recent games in South Korea. The aim of this workshop is to provide a small group of undergraduate and graduate students at UPEI with an opportunity to significantly improve their abilities to represent their thoughts through verbal communication to a public audience. Workshop participants must commit to the full program over the three days: Tuesday, June 12, 10:00 am—2:00 pm Wednesday, June 13, 10:00 am —2:00 pm Thursday, June 14, 10:00 am—12:00 pm The workshop will include an exploration of the following topics: How to manage anxiety How to convey confidence while speaking How to eliminate problematic presentation habits How to prepare for a pre-planned talk How to prepare for an interview Note: There are limited spaces available to students for this workshop For more information, or to sign up for this free program, please contact: Lisa Chilton, Director Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture