UPEI Health Careers Conference
Ever consider a career is health care? Not sure what role you want to play or want to learn more about a specific area?
Come join the UPEI Pre-Med Society on January 28 for a Health Careers Conference and learn about a variety of different health career opportunities. Guests will have the opportunity to ask questions to our panels of health care professionals and hear from a few guest speakers! There is a $5 registration fee and lunch will be included! For more information or to pre-register please email upeipremed@gmail.com.
Tentative Schedule:
9:30 – Registration Opens10:00 – “Global Health” Guest Speaker
10:30 – Physician Panel Discussion
11:45 – Methadone Program Presentation
12:15 – Lunch
1:00 – Nursing Panel Discussion
2:00 – Exercise Guest Speaker
2:40 – Allied Health Professionals Panel Discussion
3:40 – Closing Remarks
Check out our Facebook Event Page for updates!
Open Pages Returns for 2017 with Jane Ledwell
This month’s edition of “Open Pages” at UPEI’s Robertson Library happens Wednesday evening, January 18, at 7 pm and highlights the book Bird Calls, featuring poems by Jane Ledwell in response to a travel essay by Isabella Lucy Bird - "The Englishwoman on an Island" - published in 1856.
Open Pages features local authors speaking about their books: what inspired them, what they learned, what they shared. The public is warmly invited to this evening, which takes place in the common area on the second floor of UPEI. Light refreshments will be served, and books will be for sale, and signing by the author.
Men's Hockey Alumni Night
UPEI Men's Hockey Alumni Panthers will return to the ice for a friendly 4 team scrimmage on January 21st prior to the Men's Hockey game against SMU later that night.
There will be a pre-game presentation of the alumni and a ceremonial puck drop as well as a VIP area in the MacLauchlan Area lobby reserved for these special UPEI alumni and their guests.
FREE Movie Screening: The Corridor
North of 49 Movies on Campus is a series of Canadian movie screenings on campuses across the country with support from Telefilm Canada and in PEI, the Atlantic Film Fesitval
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pD_7pZm5Cg
Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/635833069936442/
Students, Staff, Faculty, and Community Members are welcome to attend. The film is free, and there will be free snacks, as well as draws for prizes!
Wayne Carter, the Executive Director of the Atlantic Film Festival will be coming to UPEI from Halifax to introduce the film and give a Q&A after!
The story follows a group of young male friends attempting to deal with one of their number’s mental health difficulties in the wake of his mother’s death. A wintertime spell in the family cottage, meant to scatter the ashes and build a new
start, becomes the staging ground for some mind-bending occurrences that bring in questions of sanity, masculinity and violence echoing landmark films such as DiPalma’s Carrie and Tarkovsky’s Stalker.
Biomedical Sciences/Pathology and Microbiology Seminar
Speaker: Dylan Michaud, Pathology and Microbiology
Title: Sex-biased genes and their rates of evolution in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)
Call for Nominations – Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Call for Nominations – Canadian Academy of Health Sciences
Fellowship in the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) is one of the highest honours that can be awarded for lifetime contributions to the health sciences in Canada. CAHS has recently put out a call for new nominations.
Dr. Andrew Tasker, one of only two CAHS fellows at UPEI, will provide an overview of the Academy, it's role in providing guidance to policy makers, and will describe the process for preparation and submission of new nominations. This information session will take place from 12:00-13:00 on Friday, January 27th in AVC 280N, Learning Commons.
All UPEI faculty are welcome to attend. For those who are interested but cannot attend a copy of the presentation can be obtained from Dr. Tasker by request to “tasker@upei.ca”
UPEI Campus Job Fair
Career Services is hosting the Campus Job Fair on Wednesday, February 15, 2017. Departments and faculties that hire students throughout the year will be promoting their current and upcoming opportunities. Students are encouraged to attend and meet with potential on-campus employers.
Future City
The Future City Competition starts with a question – How can we make the world a better place? To answer it, 6th, 7th and 8th grade students imagine, research, design, and build cities of the future that showcase their solution to a citywide sustainability issue. Past topics include stormwater management, urban agriculture, and green energy. This year’s theme is “The Power of Public Space”. This year’s competition will be taking place on Saturday, January 21st at UPEI’s new School of Sustainable Design Engineering. The students submitted an essay, worked with Sim City computer software, make a working model and present to a team of judges.
The public are welcome from 12:30-3:00 pm to come see some of the cool designs by students from eight Prince Edward Island Schools.
UPEI Career and Summer Job Fair
Career Services will be hosting the UPEI Career and Summer Job Fair on March 8, 2017 in Schurman Market Square in McDougall Hall from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend and develop networks with on- and off-Island companies, organizations, and businesses. Our hope is that these networks will inspire our students and provide career opportunities in the future.
Island Lectures Series: PEI and the Maggies
Island Studies February Lecture
PEI and the Maggies: Long-standing Connections
The February Island Studies Lecture is Thursday, February 23, at 7 p.m. in the SDU Main Building Faculty Lounge on the UPEI campus, featuring Island historian Georges Arsenault, speaking about connections between Prince Edward Island and the Magdalen Islands. Arsenault has explored links going as far back as 250 years to the pre-Deportation years when Islanders sailed to the Maggies to participate in the walrus hunt.
In more recent times, when the Magdalen Islands were part of the Catholic Diocese of Charlottetown, many PEI priests served in the Maggies while priests from there were posted in Island parishes. Later, over 30 young Acadian women from the Island studied at the Havre-aux-Maisons Normal School and came back home to teach, mainly in Acadian schools. Since the early 1900s, young people from the Maggies have been coming to work and study on the Island. In the last decade or so, the PEI Acadian and Francophone community has cooperated with the Magdalen Islands to develop projects in both the cultural and economic fields. Arsenault will explore the many connections that have been forged over the centuries between these insular communities.
A native of Abram-Village, Georges Arsenault lives in Charlottetown. He is the author of many publications on Acadian history and folklore and a well-known lecturer. He is the president of the Sister Antoinette DesRoches Historical Society. Georges was recently made a member of the Order of Canada.
Watch for details for another lecture about islands – near and far – Tuesday, March14! For more information, please contact Laurie at iis@upei.ca or (902) 894-2881.