OCII hosts information session about Lab2Market Oceans program
Are you a UPEI researcher interested in entrepreneurship or the commercial potential for your research? The Office of Commercialization, Industry, and Innovation (OCII) is hosting an information session on the Ocean Startup Project's Lab2Market Oceans on March 22, 2022, at 10:00 am. This is an excellent opportunity for researchers interested in ocean applications of their technologies, while exploring an innovative and entrepreneurial mindset.
Caring for two: Managing your broodmare and foal
An effective “broodmare care and management program” is essential for a healthy foal, but where do you start?
“Broodmares require special care and attention to ensure the best outcome for both mom and foal,” says Dr. Jennifer Burns, equine veterinarian and assistant professor, Atlantic Veterinary College, at the University of Prince Edward Island. “An effective broodmare management program is important to help mares have a safe and successful pregnancy.”
Caring for two: Managing your broodmare and foal
An effective "broodmare care and management program" is essential for a healthy foal, but where do you start?
UPEI Women’s Basketball adds point guard Kiana Linton-Brown
Kiana Linton-Brown didn’t always know she wanted to be a basketball player.
Growing up, Linton-Brown was exposed to the game quite a bit because her older brother Shae played, but it was gymnastics and track that consumed her time.
“I didn’t start playing basketball until about Grade 5 or 6,” she said. “My brother wanted me to run track because he believed I could be great.”
Linton-Brown always looked up to Shae and admired everything he accomplished on the court. His love of the game eventually rubbed off on his sister.
UPEI’s new Global Skills Opportunity project to help students gain career-boosting international work and study experience
Dozens of UPEI students will gain global skills through the newly launched Global Skills Opportunity project.
This work/study abroad opportunity will unlock students’ potential through life-changing global skills and experiences. This offering has been made possible with a $500,000 contribution from the Government of Canada’s Global Skills Opportunity (GSO) program announced in November 2021.
Dr. Jeff Collins gives keynote address at annual Naval Warfare Officers’ Symposium
Dr. Jeff Collins, adjunct professor at UPEI, gave the keynote address at the Royal Canadian Navy’s annual Naval Warfare Officers’ Symposium at CFB Halifax on March 2. He spoke about the need to align Canada’s foreign and defence policies, given Russia’s war in Ukraine, the rise of China, and the relative decline of the United States as a pre-eminent world power.
For most of the last 70 years, he said, Canadian foreign and defence policy has existed in a state of “comfortable choices.”
Dr. Edward Chung achieves remarkable publication record
Dr. Edward Chung, director of Asian Studies and professor of religious studies at UPEI, has been busy. Since 2015, he has published five scholarly books—four monographs and one edited volume, three of which have been published since October 2020.
UPEI congratulates Dr. Margaret Magner on being named one of Atlantic Canada’s 25 Most Powerful Women
The University of Prince Edward Island community congratulates Dr. Margaret Magner, sessional instructor at UPEI and CEO of the PEI Business Women’s Association, on being named one of the top 25 most powerful women in Atlantic Canada by Atlantic Business Magazine.
Distinguished UPEI Music Alumni Series Podcasts
During the fall of 2020, Dr. Karem Simon, chair of the UPEI Department of Music, initiated a series of interviews with alumni, which was an opportunity for them to share their music and professional journeys. These were presented live to music students during the time slot reserved for Friday afternoon student recitals.
While the pandemic has been an obstacle for its continuation, this series was recently re-imagined as an online platform, which has enabled conversations with our alumni from around the world. Interviews have been recorded with:
BEd Info Session - FRENCH
Avez-vous toujours rêvé de devenir enseignant(e)?
Inscrivez-vous au B.Ed. (Français langue seconde) dès aujourd’hui. Il reste encore quelques places disponibles pour le programme débutant au mois de mai 2022.
Participez à notre session d’information le 25 mars 2022 à 12h30 à Memorial Hall 308 ou joignez-nous en ligne pour plus de renseignements au :