Master of Arts in Island Studies Thesis Defence: Fiona Steele (Podcasting and Sustainable Tourism)

Please join us on a round-the-world thesis defence by MAIS student Fiona Steele. Entitled "When stories lead to sustainable tourism – the role podcasting plays in the development of sustainable tourism on islands,” the thesis is co-supervised by Drs. Susan Graham (Business) and Laurie Brinklow (Island Studies), with UPEI Adjunct Graduate Faculty member Dr. Andrew Jennings (University of the Highlands and Islands) serving on the committee. Dr. Valia Papoutsaki from New Zealand will serve as External Examiner and Dr. Jean Mitchell (Sociology/Anthropology) will chair.

Public presentation by engineering students about Global Brigades experience in Honduras

A group of UPEI engineering students who recently participated in a Global Brigades experience in Honduras will give a public presentation about their experience. Led by Dr. Libby Osgood, assistant professor in the FSDE, the 17 students spent their two-week study break in rural Honduras where they built eco-stoves for six families in one community and did an engineering survey project in another town to ensure that the people living there have access to clean water. 

Message from the VPAR to Students: Updates on Return-to-Class Information

The following message was emailed to UPEI students to their UPEI email accounts on April 20, 2023, on behalf of the Office of the Vice-President Academic and Research.

Dear Students, 

The University administration has been in communication with the UPEI Student Union leadership and has received many emails and questions from students, including those who organized the student rally on Monday. We appreciate your feedback and the challenges some students are experiencing in the return to class. 

Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering Student Design Expo

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering’s annual Design Expo is Friday, April 28. Student projects will be set up for public viewing at various stations around the first floor of the FSDE building. Each project is the result of collaboration between FSDE students and an industry or community partner. Students were tasked with designing and creating solutions to their partner’s unique challenges. Projects are available for viewing from 1-3:30 pm. All are welcome!

Welcome to campus - Shad UPEI 2023

The University of Prince Edward Island is pleased to welcome participants with the Shad UPEI program to campus. Shad is a month-long program for grade 10 and 11 students coming from all regions of Canada, who are some of the most passionate dreamers in Gen Z. Over the next four weeks, they will dive into hands-on learning that prepares them to tackle social and economic challenges with a STEAM lens and collaborate with peers to design a solution to a real-world problem as they engage with academic and entrepreneurial mentors. And they will get to experience beautiful PEI in July.

UPEI’s 2023 Korean Studies International Speaker Series presents public lectures by renowned scholars

Two renowned scholars will give public lectures at UPEI this spring as part of the 2023 Korean Studies International Speaker Series presented by the UPEI Faculty of Arts and Asian Studies Program. Each lecture will take place in the Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building, starting at 2:15 pm.

On Thursday, April 27, Dr. Philip J. Ivanhoe, chair of the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Georgetown University, Washington, DC, will give a lecture titled “Oneness, Virtue, and Happiness: Confucian, Comparative, and Contemporary Perspectives.”