Events Archive
Dr. Robert Perrins, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and former Acting Dean of the Division of Research and Graduate Studies, Acadia University.
On campus January 21 and 22. Public Presentation on Friday, January 22, 11.30-12.30, in McDougall Hall room 242.
SPEAKER: Katherine Duncan, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Investigating actinobacteria diversity from sediments as a source of bioactive secondary metabolites.
- First Anniversity of Mawi'omi, WA Murphy Student Centre
- Aboriginal Drummers
- Aboriginal Crafts
- Scholarship presentation by Hon. Carolyn Bertram
Laura Archer, a nurse with the international humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), will be the first presenter in a new speakers' series that features three inspiring alumni of the University of Prince Edward Island. The series is organized by the UPEI…
- International Pavilion, presented by the international student society
- Island Studies MA: Imagine the possibilities
- Panel Discussion "Can we really be equal?"
- Panelist: Dr. Ann Braithwaite, Dr. Charles Adeyanju, Dr. Pamela Courtenay-Hall
- Moderator: Dr. Peter Koritansky
Time: 3:00pm
Place: Webster Centre Boardroom, RL 234F
We're pleased to announce that the AAU has selected UPEI as the site of the Fall 2010 AAU Teaching Showcase. The tentative theme is "The Senior Year and Other Transitions," but we'd like help working through ideas for the day. We also need…
- Opening Ceremony
- Dr. Rosemary Herbert
- Diversity pins and ribbons available
- Free cake and hot chocolate
An introductory course in Drupal is offered from 10:00 am-12:00 noon Monday,
January 18 in the computer lab, second floor Robertson Library.
Please contact Shawn Arsenault ( if you have any questions.
Go to: http://www.…
The UPEI Physics Department and the RASC (Royal Astronomical Society of Canada) will host a public telescope viewing January 16th, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm, weather permitting. If the sky is overcast or it is raining, this event will be canceled until the next regularly scheduled session on February…
January 15, 2-4
Webster Centre Boardroom, RL 234F
In this workshop, Shannon Murray will guide participants through the first stages of compiling a Teaching Dossier for hiring, tenure, promotion, or teaching awards. We will cover the Red Book's requirements for a dossier as well as the sorts of…
SPEAKER: Rebecca Pike, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Microbial Diversity and Natural Products Drug Discovery of the Gorgonian, Eunicea fusca, from Florida and the Bahamas
SPEAKER: Sarah Jones, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Dose-Response Curves of Morphine in Brook Charr (Salvelinus fontinalis)
You’ve seen the picture. Tiny farms dot the countryside like patches on a crazy quilt. The rust-red hills roll like waves onto pristine beaches before eventually meeting the sea. Populate the whole place with quaint rural people, and you’ve got the image PEI has been selling to the world for more…
Co-ed Dodgeball Sundays 8 pm to 10 pm
Maximum of 4 teams
Registration Deadline January 9
Start Date: January 10
Registration Information:
Registration forms are available at the Sports Centre Front Desk
Registrations for all programs are accepted in two ways
1. As an individual ( we will place you…