Events Archive
Come out and support this great cause.
SPEAKER: Reginald Adiele, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Understanding cadmium- and calcium-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in rainbow trout.
Dr. David Docherty, Senior Advisor on Multi-Campus Initiatives and former Dean of Arts, Wilfrid Laurier University. On campus February 2 and 3. Public Presentation on Tuesday, February 2, 11:30-12:30, in AVC Lecture Theatre B.
Speaker: Dr. Michel Vetterli, Simon Fraser University / TRIUMF
Tuesday, February 2, 3:30 pm in the CMTC Presentation Lab in the basement of the Robertson Library.
Abstract: With the recent startup of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, there has been renewed interest in particle…
Come out and enjoy a day of 3-on-3 Basketball. Open invitation to both Men and Women.
January 29, 2-4
Webster Centre Boardroom, RL 234F
Central to most teaching dossiers is a "Teaching Statement," or Statement of Teaching Philosophy." In this workshop, led by Shannon Murray, participants will see a variety of models for the teaching statement, try a couple of exercises aimed at…
Dr. Rosemary Herbert, Acting Vice-President Academic Development and former Dean of Nursing, UPEI. On campus January 28 and 29. Public Presentation on Friday, January 29, 11.30-12.30, in McDougall Hall room 242.
Speaker: Mike Ciaramella, Pathology and Microbiology
TITLE: Quality assessment of the American lobster, Homarus americanus
SPEAKER: Jennifer Cuillerier, Biomedical Sciences
TITLE: Heterologous production of bioactive terpenoids
Learn how to Scrapbook for Free as part of Campus Wellness
Only taking 16 - must sign up with Anglea Marchbank
Dr. James Randall, Former Acting Vice-President Academic and former Dean of the College of Arts, Social and Health Sciences, University of Northern British Columbia.
On campus January 25 and 26. Public Presentation on Tuesday, January 26, 11:30-12.30, in AVC Lecture Theatre B.
Join our womens hockey team in Souris as they take on the women of MTA.
- Sponsored by the Native Council of PEI, Aboriginal Women's Association of PEI, and UPEI's Department of Student Services.
- Donations gratefully accepted for Grandmother's House and the Chief Mary Bernard Memorial Women's Shelter in Lennox Island.
- Womens Basketball: UPEI VS. UNB
- Aboriginal Crafts in the 2nd floor lobby
- Faculty/Staff/Students Sound-off
- 5 mimnute rant on the topic: "Can we really ever be equal?"
January 22, 2-4
Webster Centre Boardroom, RL 234F
Katherine Schultz, V-P Research Development, will guide participants through the process of structuring and writing a Research Dossier with a focus on tenure and promotion submissions. This interactive session will consider the Research Dossier in…