Campus Notices

The Office of Continuing Education & Professional Development is seeking submissions from skilled instructors/facilitators to deliver various learning services on an as needed basis.

We are interested in new and innovative learning program suggestions along with business-related training to be delivered in an exciting and knowledge-based approach. Your expression of interest will help us compile a list of individuals who would like to teach certain topics for future reference.

Please see the opportunity here:

Deadline to submit is Friday, September 11, 2020, at 2:00 pm.

Experiential Education's Digital Badge program offers students transferable skills training, paired with micro-credentials that can be used on LinkedIn and e-portfolios. This program is free to all UPEI students, and program components can be completed in any order and at any pace. We can even integrate program components into courses!

We're holding an information session for people who would like to learn more about our program. Maybe you know about our workshops but aren't sure how students access their badges. Maybe you just want to hear about the new workshops we have coming this fall. All are welcome.

Visit to register; a Google Meet link will be sent to all registrants.

IT Systems and Services (ITSS) is finalizing preparations for access to virtual student computer lab applications for the Fall 2020 semester. We kindly ask that all faculty and/or lab facilitators who require access to virtual student computer lab applications for their courses, please submit their requests via the form provided here.

Please complete this form if you are facilitating a course in the upcoming Fall 2020 semester and your students will require virtual access to applications typically found on UPEI ITSS managed student computer lab workstations.

Please complete this form, even if you have previously contacted ITSS regarding your request.  In some specialized cases, there may be costs and approvals associated with provisioning virtual labs. In these cases, ITSS will contact you to discuss next steps.

Applications are open! Atlantic Canada Study and Stay™ - Prince Edward Island Program

The goal of Atlantic Canada Study and Stay™ – Prince Edward Island is to support international students to live, work, and stay in Prince Edward Island post-graduation.

Eligibility: Applicants MUST be beginning their final year of study in fall (September) 2020 and expect to graduate from their program of study in spring or fall 2021.

Applicants from one of the following PEI post-secondary institutions are welcome to apply:

The University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI), Holland College, and Collège de I’île

Students who successfully gain entry into the Atlantic Canada Study and Stay™ – Prince Edward Island program will be provided with enhanced support during their final year of study. This will equip students with the cultural, language, career, and networking skills needed to launch a successful career and fulfilling life in Prince Edward Island.

Review the eligibility criteria and apply here:

Please help us share with your network. Thank you.

Any questions, please contact:

Study and Stay PEI Co-ordinator

IT Systems and Services (ITSS) is finalizing preparations for access to virtual student computer lab applications for the Fall 2020 semester. We kindly ask that all faculty and/or lab facilitators who require access to virtual student computer lab applications for their courses, please submit their requests via the form provided here.

Please complete this form if you are facilitating a course in the upcoming Fall 2020 semester and your students will require virtual access to applications typically found on UPEI ITSS managed student computer lab workstations.

Please complete this form, even if you have previously contacted ITSS regarding your request.  In some specialized cases, there may be costs and approvals associated with provisioning virtual labs. In these cases, ITSS will contact you to discuss next steps.

The UPEI Health & Wellness Centre provides high-quality health services to all students as well as faculty, staff, and their families.  Like everyone, we are trying to navigate our way through the impacts of COVID-19 and keep you and our staff safe! Some tips to make things go smoothly:

- Wear a mask. The University has made the wearing of non-medical masks in campus buildings mandatory, effective September 8. 

- Come to your appointment prepared. Please bring your provincial health card or proof of international insurance.  Ensure they have not expired. If they have, we will require you to renew prior to your appointment or re-schedule. This link will provide contact information to provincial health card sites: If you have been given forms to complete, please ensure they are complete before you arrive.

- Please be on time. To avoid having too many people congregate, come no more than 10 minutes early. If you are more than 15 minutes late, you may need to re-schedule your appointment.

- Avoid dropping in to make appointments.  As the physical space is small, we are trying to avoid having too many people in the space at one time. It is preferred if you would telephone us (902-566-0616) or email us ( to make an appointment rather than dropping in.  

- Unless absolutely necessary, please come alone to appointments.  Again, to ensure proper physical distancing, we are trying to minimize the number of people in the health centre and so we are asking that you not bring a friend or family member with you to your appointment unless it is absolutely necessary.

- COVID-19.  If you have symptoms of COVID-19, have been in close contact with someone with COVID-19, or have been outside the Atlantic Bubble in the last 14 days, please do not visit the health centre.  If you have symptoms or been in contact with someone who has symptoms of COVID-19, contact 8-1-1 for directions regarding potential screening for COVID-19. 

- First-time visitors. Please note that we have some standardized forms that all patients must complete the first time they visit the health centre. We appreciate your patience as we develop a new chart.

- Types of visits. We provide in-person visits, telephone visits as well as virtual visits (Zoom Healthcare).  Feel free to request any of these options.

It is our hope that you will experience professional, high-quality services at the health centre. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions.  Stay safe!

For anyone who hasn’t already done so, parking permits are now available for purchase or renewal for faculty and staff who pay in advance for their permit. Faculty and staff who don’t currently have a permit will be assigned a general parking permit. 

Users of designated lots B (gated), C, F, and G must renew their permit yearly in order to maintain access to their assigned lot.  

If you would like to be added to the wait list for a designated lot, please email with the following information:

-          UPEI ID #

-         Name (last, first)

-          Contact email

-          Phone number

-          Requested lot

-          Current lot

If you wish to move to payroll deduction, please select that option on the online application form. 

To apply online, please go the UPEI Security web page and click on “Buy a staff or faculty parking pass” under Parking Services from the menu on the right and then select the Online Employee Parking Permit Application.

Or click the following link:

Please note this link will not work with Internet Explorer. You will have to use another web browser.

Staff and Faculty that have a Reserved Parking Permits (brown hanger) with no expiry date and use Reserved lots or spaces are asked to email and request a Reserved application form.

Please address any questions to

The planned reopening date for the Robertson Library building is Tuesday, September 8. The Library Service Desk will be open from 8:00 am-6:00 pm, Monday-Friday, and from noon-5:00 pm on weekends. Our live chat virtual reference (VRef) service will be available from 9:00 am-9:00 pm on weekdays, and from noon-5:00 pm on weekends. 

In reopening our building, the Library is following the guidance of the University’s Operational Ease-Back Plan, especially with regard to physical distancing requirements and provision for enhanced cleaning. As a result, there will be significant changes to how our facility operates, and further information on these follows. We regret the impact these changes will have on the Library’s welcoming, “open door” traditions, but please know that our commitment to helping and serving you has not changed. Your patience and understanding as we work to keep the Library a safe space for all will be greatly appreciated; we will also be pleased to hear your comments and questions, and will work to address these wherever possible.

Library Operational Changes -- Fall 2020

Some of the key reopening measures that will be in place include: 

  • Pre-booking will be required for all study spaces and computer workstations within the Library; study rooms formerly available for group use will now be bookable for use by single individuals only. Further information and booking forms will be posted on the Library’s COVID-19 Ease-Back page prior to our September 8 reopening.

  • The book and journal Stacks (shelves) located on the Library’s upper level will be closed: the Library is implementing a new Click and Collect service that will allow you to request materials from the Stacks for pickup at the Service Desk. 

  • Print Reserves (short-term borrowing of course readings via the Library Service Desk) will be suspended. In light of evidence that the COVID-19 coronavirus can survive on the covers/pages of library materials for many hours, expert opinion favours “resting” these materials for 72 hours between each usage to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission: in this context, Reserve borrowing is not workable.

  • Everyone coming into the Library will be encouraged to wear a facial covering (mask); during the early stages of our reopening, we plan to provide masks to anyone arriving at the Library without one, while supplies last.

  • Depending on requirements, the Library may need to close during the noon hour to allow spaces to be sanitized.

  • Signage, flex barriers, etc. are being set up to manage the flow of foot traffic through the Library to reduce two-way and intersecting traffic and encourage physical distancing.

  • We recognize that our Island community members value access to the Library’s space and resources, but during September, our students, faculty, and staff must be our priority, given our reduced seating capacity and the need to adhere to health and safety protocols. We look forward to welcoming community visitors back to Robertson Library once the fall semester gets underway, and we have a better understanding of demand. 

These are just some of the changes needed to allow us to reopen safely. Please consult--and continue to monitor--the Library website and social media accounts for additional information and updates.

Let's Talk Teaching is an annual learning event that gives faculty and sessionals a chance to connect before classes start in September and to share ideas related to teaching.  With the changes brought on by the global pandemic and a desire to continue the tradition of Let’s Talk Teaching, we’ve organized a Let’s Talk Teaching Online series that includes synchronous sessions that will begin on August 25th and continue throughout the fall semester.

Note: All sessions will be recorded and posted.

To view recorded sessions, visit the Let's Talk Teaching event page.

Title: Assessment and Academic Integrity
Panel Speakers: Charlene VanLeeuwen, Chair of Faculty of Science Alternative Assessment Committee; Jennifer Taylor, Chair of Faculty of Science Academic Integrity Committee; Keri McCaffrey, Chair of the Robertson Library Academic Integrity Portal Working Group
Moderator: Nola Etkin
Date: September 1, 2020, 10:30 am-12:30 pm



Title: Supporting the Online Learner
Panel Speakers: Christina Perry, Education; Kathy Snow, Education; Nicole Garland Wadden, Accessibility Services
Topics:  Academic Accommodations, Supporting the Second Language Learners, and Addressing the Social/Emotional Needs of Online Learners
Moderator: Ron MacDonald
Date: September 2, 2020, 10:30 am-12:30 pm


Title: Sharefest: Lessons Learned and Success Stories
Sharefest includes short talks, about 10 minutes long, by presenters highlighting a teaching practice, assessment method, online activity, accessibility improvement, or tool that they've successfully integrated into their online teaching practice.  There may be a couple of spots left for presenters, so if you’d like to share, please contact Donald Moses (
Date: September 3, 2020, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm


Covid-19 has invited us to respond in new ways to current needs.  Over the past 4 months, 100 staff and faculty volunteers have welcomed over 1220 students to the campus foodbank.  We have been supported on campus and off with generous donations of food, finances and time.  THANK YOU!

As the need continues, we are asking for volunteers for the semester.  We are Covid compliant and remain in regular contact with UPEI's Ease Back plan and our Health, Safety and Environment office.  We continue to receive donations at the Chaplaincy Centre and online.  

Thank you!

Sister Sue

If you are able to volunteer your time please sign up through the following link.


The Institute of Island Studies is delighted to kick off a season of online programming with a Virtual Hub event discussing Islands and COVID-19 Recovery Plans: Promoting Resilience and Sustainability. This virtual panel and discussion will be an opportunity to share lessons on how islands are demonstrating resilience as they respond to COVID-19, and bring a collection of local voices together to discuss the challenges and opportunities that we are navigating here on Prince Edward Island.

Moderated by Dr Laurie Brinklow, the discussion will be led by three key speakers (see below) who will then be joined by representatives from island communities around the world and here on PEI, before opening the floor up to questions from attendees.

Key Speakers:
D.r Jim Randall, UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability, University of Prince Edward Island
Dr. Francesco Sindico, Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance (SCELG)
Dr. Giulia Sajeva, Marie SkÅ‚odowska Curie Individual Fellowship holder with SCELG

This virtual event is free and everyone is welcome to attend.
The event will be hosted on Zoom. Advanced registration is required.
Please visit for more information and to reserve your spot.

The planned reopening date for the Robertson Library building is Tuesday, September 8. The Library Service Desk will be open from 8:00 am-6:00 pm, Monday-Friday, and from noon-5:00 pm on weekends. Our live chat virtual reference (VRef) service will be available from 9:00 am-9:00 pm on weekdays, and from noon-5:00 pm on weekends. 

In reopening our building, the Library is following the guidance of the University’s Operational Ease-Back Plan, especially with regard to physical distancing requirements and provision for enhanced cleaning. As a result, there will be significant changes to how our facility operates, and further information on these follows. We regret the impact these changes will have on the Library’s welcoming, “open door” traditions, but please know that our commitment to helping and serving you has not changed. Your patience and understanding as we work to keep the Library a safe space for all will be greatly appreciated; we will also be pleased to hear your comments and questions, and will work to address these wherever possible.

Library Operational Changes -- Fall 2020

Some of the key reopening measures that will be in place include: 

  • Pre-booking will be required for all study spaces and computer workstations within the Library; study rooms formerly available for group use will now be bookable for use by single individuals only. Further information and booking forms will be posted on the Library’s COVID-19 Ease-Back page prior to our September 8 reopening.

  • The book and journal Stacks (shelves) located on the Library’s upper level will be closed: the Library is implementing a new Click and Collect service that will allow you to request materials from the Stacks for pickup at the Service Desk. 

  • Print Reserves (short-term borrowing of course readings via the Library Service Desk) will be suspended. In light of evidence that the COVID-19 coronavirus can survive on the covers/pages of library materials for many hours, expert opinion favours “resting” these materials for 72 hours between each usage to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission: in this context, Reserve borrowing is not workable.

  • Everyone coming into the Library will be encouraged to wear a facial covering (mask); during the early stages of our reopening, we plan to provide masks to anyone arriving at the Library without one, while supplies last.

  • Depending on requirements, the Library may need to close during the noon hour to allow spaces to be sanitized.

  • Signage, flex barriers, etc. are being set up to manage the flow of foot traffic through the Library to reduce two-way and intersecting traffic and encourage physical distancing.

  • We recognize that our Island community members value access to the Library’s space and resources, but during September, our students, faculty, and staff must be our priority, given our reduced seating capacity and the need to adhere to health and safety protocols. We look forward to welcoming community visitors back to Robertson Library once the fall semester gets underway, and we have a better understanding of demand. 

These are just some of the changes needed to allow us to reopen safely. Please consult--and continue to monitor--the Library website and social media accounts for additional information and updates.

Let's Talk Teaching is an annual learning event that gives faculty and sessionals a chance to connect before classes start in September and to share ideas related to teaching.  With the changes brought on by the global pandemic and a desire to continue the tradition of Let’s Talk Teaching, we’ve organized a Let’s Talk Teaching Online series that includes synchronous sessions that will begin on August 25th and continue throughout the fall semester.

Note: All sessions will be recorded and posted.

To view recorded sessions, visit the Let's Talk Teaching event page.

Title: Assessment and Academic Integrity
Panel Speakers: Charlene VanLeeuwen, Chair of Faculty of Science Alternative Assessment Committee; Jennifer Taylor, Chair of Faculty of Science Academic Integrity Committee; Keri McCaffrey, Chair of the Robertson Library Academic Integrity Portal Working Group
Moderator: Nola Etkin
Date: September 1, 2020, 10:30 am-12:30 pm



Title: Supporting the Online Learner
Panel Speakers: Christina Perry, Education; Kathy Snow, Education; Nicole Garland Wadden, Accessibility Services
Topics:  Academic Accommodations, Supporting the Second Language Learners, and Addressing the Social/Emotional Needs of Online Learners
Moderator: Ron MacDonald
Date: September 2, 2020, 10:30 am-12:30 pm


Title: Sharefest: Lessons Learned and Success Stories
Sharefest includes short talks, about 10 minutes long, by presenters highlighting a teaching practice, assessment method, online activity, accessibility improvement, or tool that they've successfully integrated into their online teaching practice.  There may be a couple of spots left for presenters, so if you’d like to share, please contact Donald Moses (
Date: September 3, 2020, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm


Covid-19 has invited us to respond in new ways to current needs.  Over the past 4 months, 100 staff and faculty volunteers have welcomed over 1220 students to the campus foodbank.  We have been supported on campus and off with generous donations of food, finances and time.  THANK YOU!

As the need continues, we are asking for volunteers for the semester.  We are Covid compliant and remain in regular contact with UPEI's Ease Back plan and our Health, Safety and Environment office.  We continue to receive donations at the Chaplaincy Centre and online.  

Thank you!

Sister Sue

If you are able to volunteer your time please sign up through the following link.


The Institute of Island Studies is delighted to kick off a season of online programming with a Virtual Hub event discussing Islands and COVID-19 Recovery Plans: Promoting Resilience and Sustainability. This virtual panel and discussion will be an opportunity to share lessons on how islands are demonstrating resilience as they respond to COVID-19, and bring a collection of local voices together to discuss the challenges and opportunities that we are navigating here on Prince Edward Island.

Moderated by Dr Laurie Brinklow, the discussion will be led by three key speakers (see below) who will then be joined by representatives from island communities around the world and here on PEI, before opening the floor up to questions from attendees.

Key Speakers:
D.r Jim Randall, UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability, University of Prince Edward Island
Dr. Francesco Sindico, Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance (SCELG)
Dr. Giulia Sajeva, Marie SkÅ‚odowska Curie Individual Fellowship holder with SCELG

This virtual event is free and everyone is welcome to attend.
The event will be hosted on Zoom. Advanced registration is required.
Please visit for more information and to reserve your spot.

"Wellness Wednesday" is back by popular demand this fall!  

Register for Stress Reduction & Mindfulness in the Workplace beginning on September 8, 2020.  This course will take place online weekly for 6 weeks with Jill Stewart.  

Are you feeling exhausted and stretched to the limit? Do you feel overwhelmed wondering how you will get everything done in a day? You don’t have to live like this right now. This course will give you information and strategies that will help transform the way you manage yourself.

UPEI employees can take advantage of their professional development funds to register.  Click here for more information:  
Contract Group Administrative and Professional

CUPE 1870

Contact for more information.

Applications are open! Atlantic Canada Study and Stay™ - Prince Edward Island Program

The goal of Atlantic Canada Study and Stay™ – Prince Edward Island is to support international students to live, work, and stay in Prince Edward Island post-graduation.

Eligibility: Applicants MUST be beginning their final-year of study in fall (September) 2020 and expect to graduate from their program of study in spring or fall 2021.

Applicants from one of the following PEI post-secondary institutions are welcome to apply:

  • The University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI)
  • Holland College
  • Collège de I’île

Students who successfully gain entry into the Atlantic Canada Study and Stay™ – Prince Edward Island program will be provided with enhanced support during their final year of study. This will equip students with the cultural, language, career, and networking skills needed to launch a successful career and fulfilling life in Prince Edward Island.

Review the eligibility criteria and apply here:

Please help us share with your network. Thank you.

Any questions, please contact:

Study and Stay PEI Co-ordinator

Through partnership with Ten Thousand Coffees, we offer virtual networking and career conversations for students and alumni - UPEI Connect! 

How does it work? Students and Alumni fill out a profile with various education, experience, and interest tags, and this information is used to drive smart-matched introductions to someone else in the community every month. Here’s a 60-second video to help you learn more.

  1. Students will be automatically matched with an alumnus or industry partner each month who can answer questions related to their career trajectory, background, degree, and skill set.

  2. Once connected, members meet their match for a virtual coffee over the phone or through video conferencing to have a career-driven conversation.

  3. Students receive UPEI-affiliated mentorship to add to their CV and a LinkedIn profile certification to add to their resume and/or volunteer experience.

What do we need from you? Depending on your role, you may interact directly with students either one on one or in a group setting. We ask you to send the video and share a little bit about Ten Thousand Coffees with them, so that they have access to this rich programming to help them prepare for their careers. 

Alumni & Students are encouraged to sign up using this link:

Covid-19 has invited us to respond in new ways to current needs.  Over the past 4 months, 100 staff and faculty volunteers have welcomed over 1220 students to the campus foodbank.  We have been supported on campus and off with generous donations of food, finances and time.  THANK YOU!

As the need continues, we are asking for volunteers for the semester.  We are Covid compliant and remain in regular contact with UPEI's Ease Back plan and our Health, Safety and Environment office.  We continue to receive donations at the Chaplaincy Centre and online.  

Thank you!

Sister Sue

If you are able to volunteer your time please sign up through the following link.


The Institute of Island Studies is delighted to kick off a season of online programming with a Virtual Hub event discussing Islands and COVID-19 Recovery Plans: Promoting Resilience and Sustainability. This virtual panel and discussion will be an opportunity to share lessons on how islands are demonstrating resilience as they respond to COVID-19, and bring a collection of local voices together to discuss the challenges and opportunities that we are navigating here on Prince Edward Island.

Moderated by Dr Laurie Brinklow, the discussion will be led by three key speakers (see below) who will then be joined by representatives from island communities around the world and here on PEI, before opening the floor up to questions from attendees.

Key Speakers:
D.r Jim Randall, UNESCO Chair in Island Studies and Sustainability, University of Prince Edward Island
Dr. Francesco Sindico, Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance (SCELG)
Dr. Giulia Sajeva, Marie SkÅ‚odowska Curie Individual Fellowship holder with SCELG

This virtual event is free and everyone is welcome to attend.
The event will be hosted on Zoom. Advanced registration is required.
Please visit for more information and to reserve your spot.