Action Plan Community Consultation
Since the release of the University of Prince Edward Island Review (UPEI Review) in June 2023, UPEI has been actively engaged in listening, learning, and developing an action plan to respond to all the recommendations outlined within the UPEI Review.
The preliminary draft of the UPEI Action Plan was completed in late December 2023, and reflected the candid input and feedback gathered through consultations over a six-month period. These consultations included input from more than 350 campus members through two townhalls and 16 listening sessions, more than 650 hours of collective work by the community representatives within the UPEI Action Plan Advisory Group, and numerous discussions with various UPEI partners.
On January 3, 2024, this early version of the plan was shared with campus members and the broader community over a two-week period for further reflection and input. UPEI received additional feedback through this broad consultation process.
In late January and early February, the most recent version of the draft UPEI Action Plan was shared with UPEI’s governing bodies: the University Senate and the UPEI Board of Governors, including its new Campus Culture Committee. Based on the review and discussions of the draft plan, UPEI finalized the UPEI Action Plan for Board approval. The UPEI Board of Governors approved the UPEI Action Plan: Building a Culture of Trust, Safety, and Inclusion at a special meeting on March 27, 2024, and released it to the campus and broader PEI community later that day by email.
In keeping with our commitment to address all the recommendations of the UPEI Review, the overall focus of the Action Plan continues to be on accountability and the need for change to support a culture of inclusion, trust, and safety within our campus working and learning environments.