Canadian Studies is an interdisciplinary program drawing on the resources of eight departments at UPEI.
The goal of the program is to provide students with an in-depth understanding of Canadian society and culture. A student may major in Canadian Studies, may double major in Canadian Studies and another discipline, or may minor in Canadian Studies.
Declaring a Minor
Current students can declare a minor in this program through their myUPEI account.
Need more information about Canadian Studies?
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Note: Current UPEI students should refer to Student Planning in myUPEI and the UPEI Academic Calendar governing their entry year, and speak to an academic advisor about course requirements. The course structure presented for this program is a recommended, unofficial progression for prospective students.
Note: As per Academic Regulation 1h, all undergraduate degree programs require successful completion of IKE-1040 (new for students beginning or returning after re-application in Fall 2022); one of UPEI-1010, UPEI-1020, or UPEI-1030, and a Writing Intensive Course.
- Students pursuing a Major in Canadian Studies must complete 42 semester hours (14 courses) in the Canadian Studies Program. These semester hours must be composed of the two required core courses in Canadian Studies (CST 1020 and CST 4110); one course in research methods (one of English 2040, History 2110, or Sociology 3310); eleven courses from Option Lists A, B, C, and D, with at least two courses from each option list and at least three 3000 level courses and three 4000 level courses.
- Students are required to maintain an average of 65% in the Canadian-area courses.
- There is a French Language co-requisite of three semester hours in French. Students must achieve a level of comprehension, writing and speaking at the level of French 2120 - French VI. To take the French Placement Test, please contact the First-Year Advisement Centre in Student Services, in the W. A. Murphy Student Centre. During the summer months, the French Placement Test is available through the Department of Modern Languages’ website. Shortly after completion of the Placement Test, the student will be contacted by the Department of Modern Languages and notified of the appropriate course in which to enrol. Students are strongly urged to consider additional work in French.
- Students should consult with the coordinator of the program when registering, in order to better plan an individual program suitable to their needs and interests.
NOTE: Not all courses listed are available in any given year. Also, some courses vary in their coverage of Canada from year to year. With the permission of the program coordinator, courses with a major focus on Canada that are not on the option lists may be substituted for those listed. Even if Canadian Studies 4110 is offered during the winter semester, students are strongly urged to make arrangements in order to find an advisor and a topic of research during the fall term of their fourth year.
Canadian Studies Core Courses
- Canadian Studies 1020—Imagining Canada
- Canadian Studies 4110—Research and Tutorial
Research Methods
- One of the following: English 2040, History 2110, or Sociology 3310
French Language Co-requisite
- 3 semester hours (French 2120 or above)
Option A—Canadian Institutions
- Economics 2120—Regional Economics
- Economics 3040—Canadian Economic Problems
- French 2610 (or Education 2130)—Introduction à l’éducation en français au Canada
- Political Science 2010—Canadian Politics I: Government
- Political Science 2020—Politics & Government of PEI
- Political Science 2090—Special Topics (only if it’s Canadian)
- Political Science 2110—Law, Politics and the Judicial Process I
- Political Science 2120—Law, Politics and the Judicial Process II
- Political Science 2620—Canadian Politics II: Environment and Processes
- Political Science 3020—Canadian Federalism
- Political Science 3110—Canadian Public Administration
- Political Science 3140—Canadian Public Policy
- Political Science 3150—Canadian Foreign Policy
- Political Science 3530—The Politics of Canadian-American Relations
- Political Science 4010—Law, the Courts and the Constitution I
- Political Science 4110—Political Parties and Elections in Canada
Option B—Arts, Language and Literature
- English 3150—English-Canada Drama
- English 3210—English-Canada Prose
- English 3220—English-Canada Poetry
- English 3230—Littérature canadienne-française I
- English 3240—Littérature canadienne-française II
- English 3310—Literature of Atlantic Canada
- English 3330—L.M. Montgomery
- English 4250—Advanced Studies in Canadian Literature
- Fine Arts 3210—Canadian Art
- French 2210—Langue et lectures I
- French 2220—Langue et lectures II
- French 2410—French Composition and Analysis I
- French 2420—French Composition and Analysis II
- French 2520—Le français des affaires
- French 3390—Théâtre canadien-français
- French 4410—Littérature canadienne-française I
- French 4420—Littérature canadienne-française II
- French 4430—Culture et littérature acadiennes I
- French 4440—Culture et littérature acadiennes II
- French 4460—Traduction: anglais-français
- French 4510—Directed Studies in French (where Canadian-area related)
- Music 4230— Canadian Music I
- Music 4240— Canadian Music II
Option C—Historical Contexts
- Economics 2210—Canadian Economic History
- History 1010—Canadian History—Pre-Confederation
- History 1020—Canadian History—Post-Confederation
- History 2310—The Atlantic Region
- History 2320—The Atlantic Region
- History 3250—Canadian Social History to WW I
- History 3260—Canadian Social History since WWI
- History 3270—Migration to Canada I
- History 3280—Migration to Canada II
- History 3310—History of PEI—Pre-Confederation
- History 3320—History of PEI—Post Confederation
- History 3520— The History of Quebec and French Canada
- History 3850—Women in 19th Century Canada
- History 3860—Women in 20th Century Canada
- History 4240—History of Canadian Nationalism and the Canadian Identity
- History 4250—Childhood in Modern Canada
- History 4260—History of the Canadian Working Classes
- History 4890—20th Century PEI
Option D—Human Identities
- Acadian Studies 2010—Introduction to Acadian Studies (in French)
- Acadian Studies 4910—Special Topics in Acadian Studies (in French)
- Canadian Studies 3020—The Canadian Experience
- French 3380—Introduction à la société québécoise
- Sociology/Anthropology 2520—Aging and Society
- Sociology/Anthropology 2590—Special Topics (when Canadian-area related)
- Sociology/Anthropology 3120—Rural Society in Canada
- Sociology/Anthropology 4310—Minority/Ethnic Groups and Canadian Multiculturalism
- Sociology 2110—Marriage and the Family
- Sociology 3620—Urban Sociology
- Sociology 3710—Canadian Society
The following courses can be included in the above options (check with the Coordinator of the program concerning which option group the course belongs to in a given year).
- Canadian Studies 1090—Special Topics in Canadian Studies
- Canadian Studies 2090—Special Topics in Canadian Studies
- Canadian Studies 3090—Special Topics in Canadian Studies
- Canadian Studies 4090—Special Topics in Canadian Studies
- Canadian Studies 4510—Directed Studies in Canadian Studies
- Canadian Studies 4520—Directed Studies in Canadian Studies
A minor in Canadian Studies is recognized when a student has successfully completed 21 semester hours of courses in Canadian Studies, including CST 1020 and six other Canadian Studies elective courses from at least three different options, at least one of which is at the 4000 level.
Note: Not all courses listed are available in any given year. Some courses vary in their coverage or Canada from year to year. With the permission of the program coordinator, courses with a major focus on Canada which are not on the option lists may be substituted for those listed.

UPEI provides a solid education in the liberal arts, committed to rigorous study and inquiry, belief in the value of knowledge, lifelong capacity-building, and the development of the whole person.
High School Graduates
Canadian High School Equivalency Chart
Successful completion of Grade 12 examinations in a University Preparatory Program with an overall average of at least 70% (75% for Quebec Secondary V students) in the following subjects:
- English;
- one Social Studies or Language;
- any 3 other academic courses. Grade 12 math recommended.
Note: Grade 12 Math is a prerequisite for some 1st year Arts courses.
Please refer to the UPEI Academic Calendar for complete admissions information.

Each year we award over 3,000 scholarships and awards to qualified students. Our comprehensive program—valued at over $8 million—includes some awards that are equal to full tuition and renewable!
UPEI's undergraduate tuition is the second-lowest in the Atlantic region, and we offer millions of dollars in scholarships and awards.
$7,170 per year, based on 30 credit hours ($717 per 3 credit course).
International students pay $8,410 per year in addition to full-time student tuition.
For a complete breakdown of part-time or full-time study as a student in the Faculty of Arts, visit our Tuition and Fees page.
Scholarships and Awards
UPEI supports you and your educational goals. We administer millions of dollars in scholarships and awards to our undergraduate and graduate students every year. Depending on your faculty or program, and year of study, you may be eligible for available awards.
Search the complete list of scholarships for information and application forms.
Celebrating Student Achievement
Including Guaranteed Entrance Scholarships and Academic Excellence Awards, these awards recognize the academic achievements of all students who meet the eligibility criteria while studying towards their first undergraduate degree.
Visit the Scholarships site for complete information.