Writing Fundamentals

Prerequisites: None
Cost: $1,850 for full certificate consisting of all 6 courses; $420 if you take one course only.

Writing is how we share important information at work. But have you ever felt overwhelmed when asked to produce an official letter or report? If the answer is yes, then this course is for you! In “Writing Fundamentals,” we will take apart the task of professional writing, in order to understand all the key building blocks that make it work.
In particular, we will review the components of any effective piece of writing, and will also review the formatting protocols of specific types of business writing, like e-mails, reports, proposals, and letters.

In this course, participants will learn about:

  • The purpose and demands of different writing tasks
  • The role of audience
  • Appropriate tone and style for different writing tasks
  • Effective sentences and paragraphs
  • Key structural elements (introduction, body, conclusion)

This course is ideal for:

  • Any early to mid-career professionals who wish to improve upon the basics in order to be more successful in the workplace.

Length of course:

  • This course will be offered online from 9:00–11:00 am on June 5, 8, and 9.

Facilitated by:

Robin Sutherland