ConneXions Presenters Series – Dr. Charles Adeyanju (Sociology & Anthropology)

Posting Date(s)
SDU Main Building, Room 320

Dr. Charles Adeyanju, chair and professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, will give a presentation entitled “Black African Immigrants in PEI: ‘Stayers,’ ‘Leavers,’ and ‘Commuters’” on January 24 at 2:30 pm, in SDU Main Building, Room 320.

“This paper uses semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions with Black African immigrants in PEI, immigration officers, immigration consultants, community advocates, and international student advisors to investigate the experiences of Black African immigrants in Prince Edward Island, with a focus on their decision to stay in PEI or relocate to other provinces in Canada. Findings show that PEI is a stepping stone to Canada for many Black African immigrants, while unemployment and lack of compatriot communities in PEI are the major driving forces of relocation to other jurisdictions.  By and large, all categories of study participants— ‘stayers,’ ‘leavers,’ and ‘commuters’ have a positive impression of PEI.”