Effective Presenting and Public Speaking Workshop

Posting Date(s)
Teaching and Learning Centre, Robertson Library Annex, Room 230

Your journey to delivering great presentations and public speaking with ease begins here! Finding your authentic voice. Delivering your key messages effectively. How to engage your audience.  How your preparation lays the groundwork for your success. 

Come join in to learn about strategies, tips and tools that will enhance your engagement with your students, peers, and everyone else! Our facilitator, Ann Worth from Worth Consulting Group, is a highly experienced communications trainer.

One of our colleagues, Dr. Bill Whelan, had this to say about his experience: "I suffer off and on from anxiety prior to research talks or public presentations. I walked away from Ann’s workshop with a renewed excitement for public speaking, along with a toolbox of strategies to put me at ease the days leading up to and during a presentation, and ways to better engage with the audience. I tested this out 2 weeks later in the US and it was the most enjoyable presentation experience in years."  

Join us on Tuesday, February 20, 2024 (snow date: Thursday, February 22) for this interactive session that explores how you can take your public speaking and presenting to the NEXT LEVEL OF IMPACT and EFFECTIVENESS in the Teaching and Learning Centre, Robertson Library Annex, Room 230, from 11:00 am–12:30 pm. Seats are limited. Please RSVP