Talking Circles and public presentations by candidates for Dean of Indigenous Knowledge, Education, Research, and Applied Studies (IKERAS)

Posting Date(s)

The Search Committee for Dean of Indigenous Knowledge, Education, Research and Applied Studies (IKERAS) announces upcoming Talking Circles and public presentations by each of the two finalist candidates. Since the search began in June, the committee has conducted a comprehensive search and selected the following finalists for a series of meetings on campus. 

Dr. Yvonne Poitras Pratt is an Associate Professor and a Research Excellence Chair at the University of Calgary. She traces her ancestral roots to Red River and more recently to Fishing Lake Métis Settlement in northern Alberta. As a Métis scholar, she has researched and published extensively in the areas of Indigenous education, digital media, social justice, Indigenous academic integrity, arts-based approaches, and Indigenous community development. Her 2020 book, Digital Storytelling in Indigenous Education: A Decolonizing Journey for a Métis Community, shares her decolonizing journey while working with members of the Fishing Lake Métis Settlement in the reclamation of silenced Métis voices and stories. Dr. Poitras Pratt has received numerous awards including a Community Service Award from the UCalgary Faculty Association in 2023, Metis Nation of Alberta (Region 3) Lifetime Achievement Award in 2023, and several other teaching and community engagement awards. She received a BA (2002) in Canadian Studies, and an MA (2005) and PhD (2011) in Communication Studies, all from the University of Calgary.

Monday, November 27:

  • Talking Circle, 10:00 am–12:00 pm, Bill and Denise Andrew Hall, Room 142
  • Public Presentation, 3:00–4:00 pm, Bill and Denise Andrew Hall, Room 142

Dr. Angelina Weenie is Cree (nehiyaw) from Sweetgrass First Nation, Saskatchewan. She speaks Cree (y) dialect fluently. Dr. Weenie is an Associate Professor at the First Nations University of Canada, where she has served as a Department Head (2002 - 2012) and Program Coordinator of Indigenous Education (2016 - 2018). In these roles, she co-developed a Master of Indigenous Language Education (MILED) program in partnership with the University of Regina. Her research and teaching interests lie in Indigenous epistemology, culturally responsive pedagogy, approaches to Indigenous language reclamation, land-based pedagogy, and research methods with Indigenous peoples. Dr. Weenie has recently co-authored a book, Dance Your Style - Cree Pedagogy, to be released in February 2024. The book represents how Indigenous people can advance Indigenous Knowledge in education and research. She received a BEd (1979), BA (1989) in English, Postgraduate Diploma (1996) in Indian and Northern Education, and MEd (2002), all from the University of Saskatchewan, and PhD (2010) in Education from the University of Regina.

Tuesday, November 28: 

  • Talking Circle, 10:00 am–12:00 pm, Bill and Denise Andrew Hall, Room 142
  • Public Presentation, 3:00–4:00 pm, AVC 201N

Paper copies of each candidate’s CV will be available for viewing in the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Research, Kelley 205. The University community is invited to provide feedback on each candidate’s suitability for the role to All feedback will be considered by the committee in its deliberations.