Public presentations by candidates for Dean of Sustainable Design Engineering

Posting Date(s)

The search committee for the Dean of Sustainable Design Engineering announces upcoming presentations by each of the three finalist candidates. Since the search began in June, the committee has conducted a comprehensive search and selected the following finalists for a series of stakeholder meetings on campus. Presentations are scheduled on the following dates and times.

Dr. Ali Akgunduz is a professor and Associate Dean, Academic Programs, at Concordia University. He received a BS (1992) from Gazi University, Turkey, and an MBA (1996) and PhD (2001) in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the Illinois Institute of Technology.  As associate dean at Concordia since 2012, he has led the faculty's accreditation process for all nine undergraduate engineering programs and continual improvement of academic programs. From 2003 to 2008, he served as the Co-op program director. His research interests include airline operations, and decision support system design, using artificial intelligence, including 70 journal and conference papers in these fields. Dr. Akgunduz has received an IIE Excellence Award and Distinguished Professor Award from the Institute of Industrial Engineers, and an Excellence in Teaching Award from the Canadian Society of Industrial Engineers.

  • Public Presentation: November 15, 2:30–3:30 pm, AVC 207N

Dr. Regina Lee is a professor of space engineering at York University. She received a BASc (1994) in Engineering Science, MASc (1995), and PhD (2000) in Space Engineering from the University of Toronto. From 2018 to 2019, she was the Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies. Between 2013 and 2017, she served as chair of the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering. Dr. Lee has co-authored over 100 journal and conference papers. Her research interests lie in nanosatellite technologies including micro-propulsion, actuators, remote sensing, and space object tracking. At York University, she has secured over $10 million in research funding, including a $4.2 million CFI project to establish York's first comprehensive microfabrication facility where she served as the founding director. Dr. Lee received the AKCSE Women in Science and Engineering Award in 2022, and the KOFST Engineer of the Year Award in 2020.

  • Public Presentation: November 16, 9:00– 0:00 am, AVC 201N

Dr. Yudong (David) Yao is a professor of electrical engineering at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. At Stevens, he served as chair of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from 2007 to 2018. He received a BS and MS (1985) from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications and a PhD (1988) from Southeast University, Nanjing, all in electrical engineering. His research interests lie in machine learning, sensors and signals, telehealth, and AI medicine. Dr. Yao has (co-)secured over $10 million in research grants, and his publications have been widely cited (h-index of 51 with over 10,000 citations). Prior to Stevens, he was a senior engineer at Qualcomm in San Diego, and a technical staff member at Spar Aerospace in Montreal. Dr. Yao is a Fellow of several professional associations, including IEEE and the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

  • Public Presentation: November 22, 9:00– 10:00 am,  AVC 205N

All are welcome to attend. For any who are unable to attend, the presentations will be recorded and available afterward for viewing from a secure site. Paper copies of each candidate’s CV will be available for viewing in the Office of the Vice-President, Academic and Research, Kelley 205. Following each presentation, you are invited to provide feedback on the candidate’s suitability for the role to All feedback will be considered by the committee in its deliberations.