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Deadline of September 25 to submit expressions of interest for Time to Write retreat

Posting Date(s)

A Time to Write retreat will be offered from Tuesday, October 10, to Friday, October 13, 2023, at the North Rustico Cottages in North Rustico. Participants must have a project (e.g., grant application, research publication) at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense with background research and/or data collection and analysis completed to the point that they are ready to write. Participants must be prepared to commit to the full program, a total of three days focused on writing, and contribute $300. The retreat is open to faculty (term and sessional faculty are encouraged to apply) and librarians in any academic unit at UPEI. Interested participants will email an expression of interest consisting of a summary of the project they plan to work on and their writing goals for the retreat to by 12:00 noon on Monday, September 25, 2023. Six to eight participants will be accepted for this Time to Write fall retreat.