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Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering Thesis Defense - Truong Nhu

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The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is pleased to announce an upcoming Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering (MSc-SDE) thesis defense on Thursday, December 1, 2022

Presenter: Truong Nhu


In this research, we focused on addressing problems that a robot swarm may encounter during the navigation process. Specifically, we dealt with a robot swarm encountering unknown large-sized obstacles in two different scenarios: (1) an obstacle partially blocks its path to the destination, and (2) an obstacle blocks the path entirely, and the swarm has no way to get around it.

The general objective of this research was to design distributed behaviour-based controls using the novel approach of wall-following strategies. To accomplish this, we proposed three distributed behaviour-based controls which employ different coordination strategies based on the wall-following behaviour to address the problems that arise during swarm navigation. To perform the wall-following behaviour, each robot is equipped with a tactile sensor.

If you wish to attend the public presentation, please contact Lisa Sanderson to receive the link.