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Intercultural Education of the Mexican State: An autopsy/Educación Intercultural del Estado Mexicano: una autopsia

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online - link to be provide
Free - registration required

Please join us for the third webinar in the "Resistance, Change and Survival: Mi'kmaq'ik to the Mayan Nation" series, presented by Dr. Juan Carlos Mijangos (UADY). The webinar is titled Intercultural Education of the Mexican State: An autopsy/Educación Intercultural del Estado Mexicano: una autopsia.

This webinar deals with the general problems faced by groups of indigenous origin in the Mexican education system. The so-called Intercultural Education becomes an effort with hits and misses, valued and analyzed by experts in the field. //  Esta conferencia trata sobre los problemas generales a los que se enfrentan los grupos de origen indígena ante el sistema de educación mexicano. La llamada Educación Intercultural se convierte en un esfuerzo con aciertos y desaciertos, valorados y analizados por los expertos en la materia. 

Please register for the webinar at

The "Resistance, Change and Survival: Mi'kmaq'ik to the Mayan Nation" webinar series is coordinated by Dr. John Doran, University of Prince Edward Island, and Dr. Víctor Hugo Medina Suarez, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatán.

Additional webinars coming up in the series include:

  • May 13, 2022, at 2 pm AST: "Mayan feminism in the literary works of Ana Patricia Martínez Huchim"/“El feminismo maya en las obras literarias de Ana Patricia Martínez Huchim” - Dra. Cristina Leirana (UADY)
  • June 10, 2022, at 2 pm AST: “The Mayan language in history: From instrument of colonization to means of modernization”/“La lengua maya en la historia: de instrumento de colonización a medio de modernización” - Dr. Lorgio Cobá Noh (UADY)

We would like to thank our sponsors, The Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) and the UPEI Faculty of Education, for their help in making this event possible.