This Campus Notice is more than 3 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

The UPEI Health & Wellness Centre is open!

Posting Date(s)
UPEI Health & Wellness Centre, 2nd floor North, Murphy Building

The UPEI Health & Wellness Centre is open until December 18th.  Our hours are 8:30-12:00 and 1:00-4:00 pm, Monday to Friday.  We will close at 4:00 pm on December 18th for the Christmas Break, reopening at 8:30 am on Monday, January 4, 2021.  We are following the updated Chief Public Health Circuit Breaker Guidelines.  We ask you to continue to perform hand hygiene, stay physically distanced and avoid coming to the health centre if you have symptoms of COVID-19 or have been in close contact with someone who does have COVID-19.

To make an appointment please telephone 902-566-0616 or email us at  

Happy holidays to all and stay safe.