This Campus Notice is more than 3 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.


Posting Date(s)
Online for two days

The Arts and Sciences Equity and Inclusion committee invites the campus community to recognize and participate in what is being called “Scholar Strike Canada” (—an initiative being organized for September 9 and 10. As the name suggests, faculty across Canada will be joining thousands of academics in higher education to protest anti-Black, racist, and colonial police brutality and violence in the U.S., Canada and elsewhere. (There’s a large Scholar Strike action being organized in the U.S. also). For these two days, faculty are invited to use teaching and administrative time as much as they are able to raise awareness of how systemic racism impacts the daily lives of Black, Indigenous, and people of colour in Canada—including in academia. Colleagues at other universities have organized a series of digital teach-ins; the program is available on the website, and freely available to everyone. The A&S Equity and Inclusion committee will also be organizing discussions of some of the issues raised by those sessions as part of our ongoing reading group series.

For more information, contact the committee co-chairs: Ann Braithwaite, and Chris Power,