Food Literacy and Security Survey
A group of fourth year UPEI Foods & Nutrition students are conducting a research project to find out what makes it hard for students to eat well as part of their FN 4340 Community Nutrition course. They are asking UPEI students to complete an online Student Food Survey which asks questions about student's food skills and the food situation in their household. The survey results will help them understand challenges UPEI students face with regards to food insecurity. It will also help them to make recommendations about food based courses and services offered for UPEI students.
Student participation in the research is entirely voluntary. The survey is designed to be anonymous and information will be collected and stored using a secure UPEI server. The survey results will be provided to participants through an emailed summary.
There will be a draw for seven $50 prizes and one grand prize of $100.00 (Superstore gift cards) for completing the survey before midnight March 16. The name you submit for a chance to win a prize will NOT be connected to your survey responses.
Check out the survey at
The UPEI Research Ethics Board has approved this research project. If students want information regarding their rights as a research participant or have concerns about this research project, they should contact: UPEI Research Services, 902-620-5104,
The students are happy to answer any questions about this project. Please contact Haley at, Toni at or Annabelle at Their professor is Dr. Jennifer Taylor
If students have concerns or are feeling stressed after completing this survey, they can contact: Student Affairs, 902-566-0488,”