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Feb 23 - Mar Events 1 at the Chaplaincy Centre

Posting Date(s)

February 23 – March 1 and Beyond at the Chaplaincy Centre

Sunday Feb 23 – 6:00 Sunday Mass and Monday Feb 24 – 12:05 Daily Mass

Tuesday Feb 25 – Pancakes and Sausages 9:00 – 11:00 at The Fox and Crow.  $2.00 / plate

Wednesday Feb 26 – Ash Wednesday Masses 12:05 and 4:05 at the Chaplaincy Centre

Thursday Feb 27 – Lectio Divina 11:00 (praying with the gospel for Sunday Mar 1) followed by mass at 12:05

Sunday March 1 – 6:00 Mass followed by Busy Students Retreat at 7:00 concluding Thursday at 5:00