Resume Review drop-in hours

Not sure how to write a resume? Looking for feedback from professionals? Come to Dalton Hall, Room 209, for drop-in support from 1:00-4:00 pm. This session is open to all UPEI students and recent graduates. We can provide advice about job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and other work-related questions.

Resume Review drop-in hours

Not sure how to write a resume? Looking for feedback from professionals? Come to Dalton Hall, Room 209, for drop-in support from 1:00-4:00 pm. This session is open to all UPEI students and recent graduates. We can provide advice about job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and other work-related questions.

Resume Review drop-in hours

Not sure how to write a resume? Looking for feedback from professionals? Come to Dalton Hall, Room 209, for drop-in support from 1:00-4:00 pm. This session is open to all UPEI students and recent graduates. We can provide advice about job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and other work-related questions.

Resume Review drop-in hours

Not sure how to write a resume? Looking for feedback from professionals? Come to Dalton Hall, Room 209, for drop-in support from 1:00-4:00 pm. This session is open to all UPEI students and recent graduates. We can provide advice about job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and other work-related questions.

Resume Review drop-in hours

Not sure how to write a resume? Looking for feedback from professionals? Come to Dalton Hall, Room 209, for drop-in support from 1:00-4:00 pm. This session is open to all UPEI students and recent graduates. We can provide advice about job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and other work-related questions.

Resume Review drop-in hours

Not sure how to write a resume? Looking for feedback from professionals? Come to Dalton Hall, Room 209, for drop-in support from 1:00-4:00 pm. This session is open to all UPEI students and recent graduates. We can provide advice about job searching, resume and cover letter writing, and other work-related questions.

UPEI hosts 2023 international Asian Studies conference

The University of Prince Edward Island will host an international Asian Studies conference from June 22–23, 2023, in the Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building.

The conference, titled “Mind and Mind Cultivation in Korean Philosophy and Religion: Buddhist, Confucian, Related, and Contemporary Perspectives,” is organized by UPEI’s Asian Studies and Korean Studies program in consultation with the American Philosophical Association (APA), the American Academy of Religion (AAR), and the North American Korean Philosophy Association.

UPEI Campus Life Soccer Tournament

Mark your calendars for Friday, June 23, from 1:00--7:00 pm! The Campus Life Soccer Tournament is taking over the UPEI Artificial Turf Field. UPEI students, solo or in groups, and non-UPEI friends (as part of your group) are welcome! Don't worry about staying all day--you'll only need to be present for your matches. With exciting games, new friendships, and a mystery prize for the winning team, the day is set to be a blast! Ready for some soccer fun? Register and learn more at