Message from the UPEI Alumni Association Board to the UPEI Alumni Community
Dear UPEI Alumni,
Like other members of the UPEI Community, we, the Board of Directors of the UPEI Alumni Association, were deeply disturbed and disappointed by what we read in the Rubin Thomlinson report released on June 14. We, as do you, value safe spaces in which educative experiences can flourish and are void of any behaviour that reflects harassment and discrimination—this has to be a core value embraced and practiced by all.
Guest from Bangladesh to speak at Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation
Mr. Md. Foezullah Talukder, head of the Climate Change Program, Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB), will visit the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation, St. Peters Bay, on July 4, 2023, from 9:30– 11:00 am. He will speak about “Living labs for climate change education and research in Bangladesh.” Everyone is welcome to the event. No registration is required.
Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation Open House
We are excited to invite everyone to visit the Canadian Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation for an Open House on Thursday, July 13, from 9:00 am to 12 noon in St.Peters Bay.
The event is open to the public, students, community members, and anyone interested in learning about the School of Climate Change and Adaptation. Throughout the morning, there will be tours of the facility, project presentations by current students and researchers, and drone demonstrations by the flight crew of the Centre of Excellence in Food Security and Sustainability.
Faculty Development Summer Institute returns after five-year hiatus
UPEI’s Teaching and Learning Centre hosted the 33rd Faculty Development Summer Institute (FDSI) from June 6–9, 2023, signalling the return of the successful academic conference after a five-year break.
Smudging available before UPEI Community Town Hall
In advance of the UPEI Community Town Hall taking place on Monday, June 26, the Faculty of Indigenous Knowledge, Education, Research, and Applied Studies (IKERAS) along with Elder-in-Residence Dr. Judy Clark and Advisor on Indigenous Affairs Corinne Chappell are offering smudging to all faculty, staff, and students from 11:00 am–12:00 noon at the Indigenous tipi located in the quadrangle between the W.A. Murphy Student Centre and the Kelley Memorial Building.
Updates and Venue Change for UPEI Community Town Hall on Monday, June 26
The following update was issued by email to students, staff, and faculty on Friday, July 23. It has been since updated with Zoom link information.
In his message to the University community on June 23, Interim President Greg Keefe invited students, staff, and faculty to attend a UPEI Community Town Hall on Monday, June 26, 2023, beginning at 1:30 pm at the Performing Arts Centre* in the south tower of the new residence building (PAC121S).
UPEI Community Town Hall
In his message to the University community on June 23, Interim President Greg Keefe invited students, staff, and faculty to attend a
UPEI Community Town Hall
Monday, June 26, 2023, 1:30 pm
Performing Arts Centre* in the south tower of the new residence building (PAC 121S)
(*Please note that the venue has changed from what was originally communicated)
University saddened by the passing of the Hon. Marion L. Reid
The University of Prince Edward is saddened to learn of the passing of the Honourable Marion L. Reid on June 22, 2023.
UPEI Men’s Hockey 2023-2024 season tickets on sale now!
The UPEI Men’s Hockey Panthers are already gearing up for an exciting 2023–2024 season of Atlantic University Sport (AUS) action, and season tickets are now on sale!
UPEI professor biologist, and environmentalist Daryl Guignion honoured with new park in Crapaud
The late Daryl Guignion, a renowned biology professor and researcher at UPEI from 1967–2008, was honoured on June 20 with the opening of the new Daryl Guignion Memorial Park in Crapaud, PEI.
The Daryl Guignion Memorial Park features a pollinator garden and outdoor classroom, a fitting tribute as he often led field trips from Englewood School to the area. An oak tree was also planted at the park in Guignion’s memory.