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Sessional Instructors - Faculty of Education (Fall 2024)

Competition Number:
Position Type:
Sessional Opening
Closing Date:
Date of Posting:
Faculty of Education
Sessional Instructors
Fall 2024

The Faculty of Education at the University of Prince Edward Island has openings for sessional instructors to teach the following courses in Fall 2024. The offering of the courses is conditional pending final enrolment numbers. All positions are subject to final budgetary and administrative approval.

Please note: the courses offered below will be taught in person, unless otherwise specified as an online course.

ED 4962 - Practicum 1 (2 sections)

Students will complete a 9 week teaching placement in a PEI public school with the guidance of a practicum Faculty advisor and a host mentor teacher. Students undertake planning and teaching effective lessons, develop personal classroom management strategies, and use strategies from methods courses to facilitate and assess student learning. Feedback from the host mentor teacher and faculty advisor will inform self- assessment and personal professional growth.

This course primarily involves in-school supervision of pre-service teachers, as well as 3-4 meetings with groups of students during the semester.  This course is offered October 21 to December 13, 2024.

ED 6120-97 - Quantitative Research Design

In this course, students explore the characteristics of quantitative methodology and examine their usefulness in conducting educational research. The methods discussed include causal-comparative, correlational, and experimental. Students learn how to state hypotheses, define and measure variables, select samples, collect and analyze data, and prepare research reports. Students design a research study on a topic related to learning and instruction.

This course is offered online to MEd students from September 4 to December 5, 2024.

ED 6140 - Theories of Research and Learning (2 sections)

In this course, students address the role of theory in educational research. The aim is to familiarize graduate students with various theoretical frameworks including theories and principles of learning.

This course is offered to students in our MEd Focus on Global Perspectives cohort from September 4 to December 5, 2024.  Section 76 is offered on Mondays from 8:30am to 11:30am.  Section 77 is offered on Wednesdays from 12:30pm to 3:20pm.

ED 6150-77 - Educational Leadership

In this course, students examine the field of educational leadership. Educational leadership extends beyond the role of the school administrator and focuses upon the development of teachers as leaders who impact on creating effective educational environments. Students research aspects of leadership that impact on schools, and explore models of effective leadership through case studies and simulation.

This course is offered to students in our MEd Focus on Global Perspectives cohort, Mondays, from 12:30pm to 3:20pm, September 4 to December 5, 2024.

ED 6170-99 - Issues in Educational Leadership

In this course, students examine current issues in educational leadership. Students research the factors that influence educational leadership, such as socio-economic trends, school restructuring, curriculum development, and educational technology.

This course is offered online to MEd students from September 4 to December 5, 2024.

ED 6270 - Global Education (2 sections)

In this course, students examine the theory and practice of global education as it has developed in Canada and elsewhere. Other curriculum innovations that have contributed to global education (e.g., development education, environmental education, human rights education, peace education) are also examined. Interactive and participatory learning methodologies are used to encourage reflection on the teaching of contemporary social and global issues in a variety of educational contexts.

Section 95 of this course is offered on campus to MEd students on Tuesdays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm, September 4 to December 5, 2024.  Section 99 of this course is offered online to MEd students from September 4 to December 5, 2024.

ED 6280 - International Education and Development (2 sections)

In this course, students examine how education is organized and practised in other countries, and its relationship to cultural, economic, and social development. Insights into education systems in Canada are afforded through comparing these with others around the world. In addition to common themes of study, students explore topics of their choice through the methodology of a comparative case study. Electronic communication with teachers in other countries provides first-hand information.

Section 95 of this course is offered on campus to MEd students on Fridays from 8:30am to 11:30am, September 4 to December 5, 2024.  Section 99 of this course is offered online to MEd students from September 4 to December 5, 2024.

ED 6290-97 - Program Evaluation

In this course, students study the various concepts and issues in program evaluation. Students examine literature on program evaluation to understand the methods and theory required to conduct an evaluation.

This course is offered online to MEd students from September 4 to December 5, 2024.


Ideal candidates will have a Masters of Education or equivalent degree.  Successful candidates will normally have school-based experience in a Canadian public K-12 system.  For applicants without school-based experience, teaching in other contexts relevant and appropriate to the position will be considered. Applicants should have experience in teaching, research or practice related to the course content.

Qualified candidates with seniority on the UPEI Faculty of Education’s Sessional Roster and the Faculty’s full-time and term contract faculty members will be given priority.

For additional information regarding positions in the undergraduate English programs, please contact Ron MacDonald by email to

For additional information regarding positions in the undergraduate French program, please contact Elizabeth Blake by email to

For additional information regarding positions in the graduate programs, please contact Dr. Kathy Snow by email to

 Application Instructions:

Applicants should submit an electronic version of a cover letter outlining the specific course they wish to teach and how their background is relevant to the course material, a curriculum vitae, and names and contact details of three referees.  All attachments should be in pdf format and should be submitted to:

Dr. Miles Turnbull, Dean
c/o Karen-Anne O’Halloran (
Faculty of Education
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue
Charlottetown, PE   C1A 4P3

UPEI is committed to equity, diversity, inclusion, and reconciliation and believes in providing a positive learning and working environment where every person feels empowered to contribute. UPEI is committed to the principle of equity in employment and encourages applications from underrepresented groups including women, Indigenous peoples, visible minorities, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity, and others with the skills and knowledge to productively engage with diverse communities.

Closing date for applications is March 22, 2024.  

UPEI encourages all qualified applicants to apply for job openings; however, in keeping with the terms and provisions of the university’s various employment and collective agreements, first priority will be given to internal candidates.