AVC Diagnostic Imaging Candidate Presentation
The Department of Companion Animals will interview Dr. Julia Cusack for a tenure-track faculty position in Diagnostic Imaging. Dr. Cusack will be on campus on Wednesday, March 19, and Thursday, March 20,2025.
Dr. Cusack received her DVM in 2019 from the Atlantic Veterinary College, UPEI. She then completed a large animal rotating internship and is currently completing an DVSc and clinical residency program in Diagnostic Imaging at the Ontario Veterinary College.
As part of the interview process, she has been asked to present a 50-minute seminar on two separate topics: the first, a topic that would be appropriate to teach to third-year veterinary students; the second, to present her research interests:
SEMINAR NOTICE - Dr. Julia Cusack
“Common Pitfalls in Pulmonary Patterns”
“Bilateral Limb Postmortem CT Imaging of Racehorses: Insights into Fractures, Stress Remodeling and Developmental Orthopedic Disease”
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 12:30 pm, AVC Lecture Theatre ‘B’
Any interested faculty and staff are invited to attend. A copy of her CV and cover letter will be available from Jill Blaquiere jnblaquiere@upei.ca.