CCCE Speaker Series: Networking Like a Rock Star

Event Date:
Wednesday, September 18, 2024, 1:00 pm
Robertson Library
201 (Catherine Callbeck Centre for Entrepreneurship)

Join us for free pizza at our bi-weekly speaker series! What better topic to kick off the series with than "Networking like a Rock Star" with Shelley Montreuil! Register here!

Shelley Montreuil, Co-founder & CEO of trippl, brings over 15 years of travel tech management, project management, and communications expertise to the table. As a working musician who has toured eastern Canada extensively, she has earned her band manager/road warrior status, and she has more than a few tricks up her sleeve for thriving in that kind of lifestyle.

She was leading a remote tech team before it was cool, which has allowed her to live and work in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua; Ottawa, Ontario; Prince Edward Island; and Iqaluit, Nunavut. Shelley has worked as a capital campaign fundraiser, musician/band manager, and a web developer. The common thread among these disparate roles is that she is an experienced entrepreneur who knows how to bring enthusiastic partners to the table and successfully execute a vision.

Years in music management have taught her how to get seen and heard above the noise and, most importantly, how to be remembered. Networking is not just a thing you have to do as a business owner; it is THE thing you have to do as a business owner. It is a skill that can be learned and Shelley is just the right person to teach it.