This Event is more than 3 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

You've been accepted to UPEI! What's the next step?

Event Date:
Friday, February 11, 2022, 10:00 am

Join a first-year adviser and recruiter to guide you through the next step of confirming your spot at UPEI!

Friday, February 11, 2022
10:00–11:00 am Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

We'll discuss how to prepare for course registration (in March), residence details, and scholarship deadlines and timelines. Registration is required.

Register today!

Contact Name

UPEI Recruitment and First-year Advisement

Can't make it to our event on Friday, February 11? We're hosting another virtual session on

Wednesday, March 9, 2022
10:00–11:00 am Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

Register for the March 9 session