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Food, Cuisine and Identity in the Mayalands/ Comida, cocina e identidad en el Mundo May

Event Date:
Friday, February 25, 2022, 2:00 pm
Free (registration required)

Please join us for the first webinar in the "Resistance, Change and Survival: Mi'kmaq'ik to the Mayan Nation" series presented by Dra. Lilia Fernández Souza. The webinar is titled "Food, Cuisine and Identity in the Mayalands/Comida, cocina e identidad en el Mundo Maya."

In the Mayan area, cooking is one of the most expressive manifestations of identity. This webinar offers a perspective on the ingredients, techniques, and dishes that have left their mark on pre-Columbian art and archaeology, as well as a discussion on the ancient Mayan heritage in the culinary practices of contemporary Yucatan. En el área maya, la cocina es una de las manifestaciones más expresivas de la identidad. En esta conferencia se ofrece una perspectiva sobre los ingredientes, técnicas y platillos que han dejado huella en el arte y la arqueología precolombina, así como una discusión sobre la herencia maya antigua en las prácticas culinarias del Yucatán contemporáneo.

Please register for the webinar at

The "Resistance, Change and Survival: Mi'kmaq'ik to the Mayan Nation" webinar series is coordinated by Dr. John Doran, University of Prince Edward Island, and Dr. Víctor Hugo Medina Suarez, Universidad Autonoma de Yucatán.

We would like to thank our sponsors, The Canadian Society for Studies in Education (CSSE) and the UPEI Faculty of Education, for their help in making this event possible.