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ACENET PEI Red Dirt Digital Tools Forum

Event Date:
Friday, March 12, 2021, 11:00 pm

Are you curious about digital research and tools you could apply to your projects?

Would you like to meet others interested in exploring and using digital tools and techniques, and learn about their experiences?

Beginning on March 12th, ACENET’s Research Consultant at UPEI, Mat Larade, will host an informal and participant-driven lunchtime gathering monthly, on the second Friday. Faculty, research staff, students and industry across all disciplines and experience levels are encouraged to join us for this lunch hour of learning and connecting! Note: The forum will initially be virtual. 

You will have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss your own challenges and learn about new and established tools for things like computational modelling, data mining, parallel computing, machine learning, creating web platforms and cloud-based shared analysis workspaces, or the myriad of other applications. Each session will begin with a short presentation, followed by Qs&As and open discussion. 

Meet others and hear from local researchers and other experts about how they're using these tools, and their experiences along the way. As always, we’re here to help you get started in applying them to your own projects! 

First session Friday March 12th, 12:00pm:

Data Management Planning, Nick Rochlin, Co-Chair Portage Network National Training Expert Group.

From students needing to manage their thesis data, to researchers and projects managers grappling with the need to store increasingly large data volumes, and the upcoming Tri-Agencies policy release on Research Data Management, the time is ripe to talk about the benefits, tools and techniques of good data management plans in our inaugural Red Dirt Digital Tools Forum.

Click the sign-up sheet link to receive information and connection details for this and future sessions. Sign up  

For further information on our Red Dirt Digital Tools Forum, contact 

Contact Name
Mathew Larade