"The highlights were the incredible places we explored and the amazing people we met."
What brought you to UPEI? Why did you choose to study here?
Alex: We are both from the Island! I'm from New Haven, and Rowan is from Cornwall. As someone from the province, attending UPEI made the most sense financially for me. However, the ultimate deciding factor for me was my desire to study abroad, which I feel wouldn't have been possible at another university.
Rowan: Being close to home, UPEI was the most cost-friendly option for me and the opportunity to study abroad for a semester made the decision even more exciting. Plus, my parents had positive experiences at UPEI, so this university was a natural choice.
How did you find out about the opportunity to study abroad?
Alex: I can’t honestly remember, but I had known about the opportunity at UPEI and been keen to do it since probably junior high school.
Rowan: I learned of the study abroad program in Grade 12 while researching what university I should apply to. This opportunity instantly interested me as I always wanted to travel!

Where did you travel and study, and when did you begin and end the trip?
We lived in Córdoba, Spain and studied at the University of Córdoba from February to June of 2024. Along with in-person classes in Spain, we also took a couple of UPEI courses online. We were able to work around our school schedule to do a lot of travelling around Spain and other parts of Europe. During our time in Spain, we visited over a dozen towns and cities, returning to some of them multiple times. Apart from Córdoba, some of our favourite places to visit in Spain were Mallorca (one of Spain's Balearic Islands), Barcelona, Malaga, Valencia, Nerja—and the list goes on. We also travelled to Portugal (twice), Albania, Switzerland, Italy, France, Malta, the Netherlands, and England during our time abroad.
What were the main highlights of your experience abroad?
The highlights of our experience were undoubtedly the incredible places we explored and the amazing people we met along the way. Reflecting on it feels surreal, making it nearly impossible to pinpoint specific moments. Some of our favourite places would be Madeira Island and Northern Albania. One standout aspect of our time at the University of Córdoba was the professors and the unique academic culture. In Spain, there is a greater emphasis on personal experiences and individual interests rather than being solely focused on heavy workloads and achieving top grades. This approach allowed us to explore subjects that we wouldn’t take at home, which we enjoyed. The professors were super caring, deeply invested in their students' lives, and supportive of our academic and personal growth. This extended beyond the classroom to the broader Spanish culture. People in Spain prioritize experiences, relationships, and family in a way that left a lasting impression on us. An example of this is the tradition of siesta. While it took some getting used to, we eventually came to appreciate and love the concept as part of the slower, more intentional pace of life.

How do you feel the experience of studying and living in another country will impact your future plans?
We definitely feel as though our international experience taught us things that we couldn’t have gotten any other way. We met people from all over the world, experienced living away from home, and learned more about ourselves while immersed in a new, exciting culture. This opportunity provided us with a hands-on learning experience that is impossible to get without going abroad. These experiences will positively impact our future selves.
"One standout aspect of our time at the University of Córdoba was the professors and the unique academic culture. In Spain, there is a greater emphasis on personal experiences and individual interests rather than being solely focused on heavy workloads and achieving top grades. This approach allowed us to explore subjects that we wouldn’t take at home, which we enjoyed."
What would you say to a student considering a UPEI study abroad experience?
There may be millions of things that you can come up with to steer you away from doing it, but they should be seen as things you will just need to figure out, instead of things that will prevent you from studying abroad. This is a unique opportunity to continue your education while exploring new places, trying new things, and meeting new people. Many students believe that studying abroad will only put them behind in their degrees; however, this is an amazing once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that keeps you on track with your education that all students should consider. Getting involved is a great way to learn about yourself and the endless opportunities that are available throughout your degree. There are tons of ways to study abroad, from one-week trips to multiple years!