Dr. Sharon Myers appointed the Dean of Arts

In a message to the campus community on February 12, Dr. Greg Naterer, Vice-President, Academic and Research, announced that the UPEI Board of Governors has accepted the Search Committee’s unanimous recommendation to approve the appointment of Dr. Sharon Myers as the Dean of Arts for a five-year term, effective February 1, 2025.
Dr. Myers has served as the acting Dean of Arts since 2022. She joined UPEI in 2000 as a Lecturer in History and was a co-founder of the University Writing Minor, and Coordinator of Canadian Studies. Previously as Acting Chair of History, she led a significant curriculum revision at the first-year level.
Her research and teaching involve modern Canadian history, including women's, social, and cultural history. One of her recent studies focused on the New Brunswick Child Welfare Survey, 1927–33, and examined the dynamics among the family, civil society, and the state.
Dr. Myers has also made significant leadership contributions to the UPEI Faculty Association, including as a Grievance Officer, Chief Negotiator, and President of the UPEI FA. Beyond UPEI, she has led national initiatives, for example the national scholarly organization for historians of women and gender (CCWH), which is affiliated with the Canadian Historical Association.
Dr. Myers received a PhD degree in Canadian History from the University of New Brunswick, an MA, Atlantic Canada Studies, from Saint Mary’s University, and a BA (Hons) from Mount Allison University.
A national search was conducted with support from an executive recruitment firm, KBRS. The University community was invited to presentations by two finalists to see their future vision of the Faculty of Arts and perspectives if selected for the deanship. Following each candidate's presentation, written feedback was invited. Community members provided a large amount of thoughtful input for the committee’s consideration, some from individuals and some from groups. The vast majority of feedback, well over 90 per cent, was positive and strongly in favour of appointing Dr. Myers.
“Special thanks to the members of the Search Committee for their dedicated efforts throughout the search process,” said Dr. Naterer, who also chaired the Search Committee. “And thank you to all who provided feedback, which was carefully considered through the approval process. Please join me in congratulating Sharon and wishing her and the Faculty of Arts all the best going forward.”