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Save the Dates! Invitation from the Interim President to attend Campus Town Halls

| University
UPEI campus
UPEI campus

The following message was also distributed by email to students, staff, and faculty on March 13, 2024.

Dear Members of the Campus Community,

As part of continuing to engage with the various audiences that make up the campus community, I would like to invite you to a series of Campus Town Halls where I will give brief updates as well as listen to your concerns and respond to questions.

Six 90-minute in-person events are planned: two each for faculty, staff, and students to help accommodate schedules. Those who cannot attend in person due to work-from-home arrangements/other accommodations can join via Zoom.

Participants are asked to attend one of the two town halls for the group that is applicable to them.

Faculty Town Halls

  1. Wednesday, March 20, 3:00–4:30 pm
    Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium, Don and Marion McDougall Hall (MCDH 242)
    Meeting ID: 638 4118 3049
    Passcode: 666579
    One tap mobile
    +12042727920,,63841183049#,,,,*666579# Canada
    +14388097799,,63841183049#,,,,*666579# Canada
  2. Friday, March 22, 10:00–11:30 am
    Duffy Science Centre Amphitheatre (DSC 135)
    Meeting ID: 697 4936 9292
    Passcode: 601893
    One tap mobile
    +17806660144,,69749369292#,,,,*601893# Canada
    +12042727920,,69749369292#,,,,*601893# Canada

Staff Town Halls

  1. Monday, March 25, 1:00–2:30 pm
    Performing Arts Centre Theatre (PAC 121 S)
    Meeting ID: 646 1848 3493
    Passcode: 530318
    One tap mobile
    +16473744685,,64618483493#,,,,*530318# Canada
    +16475580588,,64618483493#,,,,*530318# Canada
  2. Wednesday, March 27, 10:00–11:30 am
    Duffy Science Centre Amphitheatre (DSC 135)
    Meeting ID: 654 3906 5003
    Passcode: 262688
    One tap mobile
    +16473744685,,65439065003#,,,,*262688# Canada
    +16475580588,,65439065003#,,,,*262688# Canada

Student Town Halls

  1. Tuesday, March 26, 3:00–4:30 pm
    Performing Arts Centre Theatre (PAC 121 S)
    Meeting ID: 665 8156 3155
    Passcode: 322392
    One tap mobile
    +17789072071,,66581563155#,,,,*322392# Canada
    +17806660144,,66581563155#,,,,*322392# Canada
  2. Thursday, March 28, 1:30–3:00 pm
    Performing Arts Centre Theatre (PAC 121 S)
    Meeting ID: 696 1161 9672
    Passcode: 753882
    One tap mobile
    +12042727920,,69611619672#,,,,*753882# Canada
    +14388097799,,69611619672#,,,,*753882# Canada

If you are unable to participate in the scheduled town halls, you are welcome to provide feedback or send comments to at any time.



GREG KEEFE, DVM, MSc, MBA (he/him)
President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim)
University of Prince Edward Island
550 University Avenue, Charlottetown PE, CANADA
902 566 0400

Media Contact

Nicole Phillips
Director of Communications and University Relations
Marketing and Communications

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