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UPEI Panthers this Week (February 19–25, 2024)

| Athletics
UPEI's basketball teams begin their quest for an AUS title on Friday, February 23, at Scotiabank Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
UPEI's basketball teams begin their quest for an AUS title on Friday, February 23, at Scotiabank Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The UPEI Women’s and Men’s Basketball Panthers and the UPEI Track and Field team are excited to be headed to AUS championships this weekend.

February 23–25, 2024
The UPEI Track and Field team will compete at the Université de Moncton for the AUS Championships taking place on February 23 and 24.

The UPEI Women’s and Men’s Basketball Panthers both qualified for the AUS Championships taking place from February 23–25 and begin their quest for a title on Friday at Scotiabank Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The women will take on the St. Francis Xavier X-Women at 1:00 pm, while the men battle it out against the Saint Mary’s University Huskies at 8:30 pm.

For a complete schedule, visit:

Tickets can be purchased via the Scotiabank Centre Box Office at

Gold Rush
The UPEI Panthers Gold Rush can be played through the UPEI Panther Recreation app found on Apple and Android, or via

To view the full season schedule for Panther Sport, visit


Media Contact

Ron Annear
Varsity Sport Coordinator
Athletics and Recreation
(902) 566-0991

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