Community consultation opens for the preliminary draft of UPEI Action Plan

The following message was also distributed by email on January 3, 2024, to faculty, staff, and students on behalf of the Office of the President.
Dear UPEI campus and community members,
I hope that you enjoyed the holidays and extend my sincere best wishes for a happy and healthy new year.
Since the release of the University of Prince Edward Island Review (UPEI Review) in June 2023, UPEI has undertaken a consultation process with members of the campus and broader community. This process has focused on learning more about challenges in our campus working and learning environments, as well as ways to address these challenges.
The preliminary draft of the UPEI Action Plan reflects the candid input and feedback gathered through consultations over a six-month period. These consultations included input from more than 350 campus members through two townhalls and 16 listening sessions, more than 650 hours of collective work by the community representatives within the UPEI Action Plan Advisory Group, and numerous discussions with various UPEI partners.
I am pleased to invite you to participate in the community consultation for the preliminary draft of the UPEI Action Plan. The intention of the preliminary draft is to address the recommendations outlined within the UPEI Review as well as the concerns shared during campus listening sessions. Overall, the draft plan focuses on accountability and the need for change.
The preliminary draft of the UPEI Action Plan is a work in progress, from both a content and formatting perspective. To contribute to further developing the plan, we encourage you to read the draft and provide feedback. You can share your thoughts on the preliminary draft, ways to further strengthen planning for our UPEI community, and/or provide insight on areas within the draft that you feel can be improved upon through the feedback consultation form until January 17, 2024.
(The preliminary draft and feedback form can also be accessed on a dedicated Action Plan Community Consultation web page that has been set up on the Response to Independent Review section of
This feedback opportunity is open to the campus and broader community, and participants are not asked to share their names or contact information. Feedback will be compiled and maintained by the UPEI EDI Office. Feedback received through this public consultation will be used to strengthen the plan. Feedback may also be used for other future planning at UPEI.
Following revision of the preliminary draft, the next version of the UPEI Action Plan will be brought to the UPEI Board of Governors (through its new Standing Committee on Campus Culture) and the University Senate for review and discussion.
GREG KEEFE, DVM, MSc, MBA (he/him)
President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim)
University of Prince Edward Island