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UPEI Co-operative Education Program announces award winners for 2022

| Special Event
Aadesh Warren Nunkoo, UPEI Science Co-op Student of the Year, and Dr. James Polson, Co-op Employer of the Year.
Aadesh Warren Nunkoo, UPEI Science Co-op Student of the Year, and Dr. James Polson, Co-op Employer of the Year.

Each year, the UPEI Co-operative Education Program recognizes its exceptional students and employers with the UPEI Co-op Awards. Winners of the 2022 awards are Nandisha Ramsurrun, UPEI Business Co-op Student of the Year; Aadesh Warren Nunkoo, UPEI Science Co-op Student of the Year; and Dr. James Polson, UPEI Department of Physics, Co-op Employer of the Year.

The awards were presented on May 24, 2023, at a ceremony in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall, UPEI.

Nandisha RamsurrunRamsurrun (BBA’23) was nominated by her employer for her work terms at the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) in Charlottetown. Early on, it was evident to her employer that Ramsurrun could take on greater challenges. She was recognized for her initiative and problem-solving skills with client files and applications, excellent research skills, and exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, including providing bilingual services to francophone clients. She continues to be a valuable member of the ACOA team.

“Since joining ACOA, I have worked with organizations such as not-for-profits, Francophone communities, underrepresented communities, and tourism associations. The collaborative and inclusive work environment has allowed me to share my skills in various tasks,” said Ramsurrun. “My experience with ACOA has taught me the importance of discipline, time management, and how to communicate effectively and collaborate with various audiences.”

Nunkoo (BSc’23) was nominated by his employer, Dr. Chris Power, associate professor, UPEI School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences. Nunkoo was the primary analyst for a project related to the well-being of disabled students throughout Canada. Using a systematic and careful approach, he excelled at processing a large amount of literature and relating it to research data. His comprehensive analyses simplified the work of the research team. He also created a remarkable first draft of a publication and press release.

“I have gained a thorough understanding and hands-on experience of research methods, statistical analysis, and data visualization techniques that are highly applicable to various research and professional settings. Moreover, I have honed my critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills by coordinating with a team of researchers and a graduate student in weekly brainstorming sessions,” said Nunkoo. “Working on a project with social impacts has inspired me to pursue graduate studies while considering research as a potential future career.”

Dr. James Polson, a professor with the UPEI Department of Physics, was nominated for the Co-op Employer of the Year Award by physics student Liam MacNevin. Dr. Polson provided an understanding environment for learning technical skills and inspired students to take on new challenges. With Dr. Polson’s dedicated guidance on research, presentation, and communication skills, MacNevin said, he won first place for a student research award at the annual Atlantic Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate Conference (AUPAC). Dr. Polson has hired and mentored co-op students consistently for several years.

UPEI Co-operative Education received several nominations for the awards. The high calibre of nominees, nominations, and descriptions of work experiences speaks to the students and employers involved in the program.

For more information about the program, visit or

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