Message from the UPEI Alumni Association Board to the UPEI Alumni Community

Dear UPEI Alumni,
Like other members of the UPEI Community, we, the Board of Directors of the UPEI Alumni Association, were deeply disturbed and disappointed by what we read in the Rubin Thomlinson report released on June 14. We, as do you, value safe spaces in which educative experiences can flourish and are void of any behaviour that reflects harassment and discrimination—this has to be a core value embraced and practiced by all.
We note that members of the UPEI community, including the University’s administration and Board of Governors, are taking the report seriously and have begun to enact key recommendations, which is most welcomed.
We can all play a role in creating a safe, respectful, and positive campus experience for faculty, staff, and future alumni. As the organization representing all 28,000+ UPEI alumni, the Alumni Association Board is committed to working with our University’s administration and Board of Governors to act on the recommendations contained in the report. We recognize that these actions are critical in order to move forward together.
Should you have comments, suggestions, or a desire to engage in this work with us, please get in touch by email at
Betty Anne Younker (BMus ’78)