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Free meningitis-B vaccine available to UPEI students living in residence

| Students
A total of 87 UPEI students were vaccinated during the first Men-B clinic on April 13.
A total of 87 UPEI students were vaccinated during the first Men-B clinic on April 13.

On April 21, 2023, the PEI Department of Health and Wellness announced that eligibility for the meningococcal B (Men-B) vaccine program for the prevention of invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) is expanding to include more higher risk individuals. 

Beginning this month, the Men-B vaccine (two doses) will be available through the province’s Chief Public Health Office (CPHO) to students attending a post-secondary school and living in residence in PEI or out-of-province. The cost is being covered by the provincial government.

Over the next several months, the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre team will ensure that the free Men-B vaccine is available to all incoming and current UPEI students living in residence.

“The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre is grateful to the CPHO for providing the vaccine to protect our students in residence from Men-B. We are proud to be part of this initiative and encourage all students living in residence to take this opportunity to get additional protection from this virus,” said director Marilyn Barrett.

The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre team held its first Men-B clinic at the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall on April 13 and vaccinated 87 students. Following the clinic, 10 additional students visited the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre to receive the vaccine. 

The next Men-B vaccine clinic will be held at the UPEI Health and Wellness Centre on Friday, April 28, from 8:30–11:30 am and 1:00–2:30 pm. Students must email the health centre at for an appointment, and they must bring their UPEI student ID card and their provincial health card (or proof of international insurance if not a resident of PEI) to their appointment.

For full protection, the vaccine includes two doses, which are administered at a minimum of 28 days apart. Information about dates and times of future clinics will be shared with the campus community when available.

To read the full PEI Government press release, go to

Media Contact

Melanie Taylor
Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications

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