UPEI physics student wins award at Atlantic Universities Physics and Astronomy Conference

UPEI physics student Liam MacNevin received a first-place Tindall/Steinitz Award in Research during the 2023 Atlantic Universities Physics and Astronomy Conference (AUPAC). The conference was hosted by Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia from February 3–5.
MacNevin received the award for his research entitled “Force-Distance Relationship of Stretched Polycatenane Structures.” His research was carried out under the supervision of UPEI physics professor James Polson when MacNevin worked as a research assistant during the summer of 2022.
“As usual, the quality of the talks at AUPAC this year was very impressive,” said Polson. “I am very proud of Liam for this achievement and all UPEI students who gave presentations. They are among Atlantic Canada’s top physics and astronomy students.”
AUPAC is an annual, student-organized undergraduate conference that is hosted by an institution in the Atlantic provinces each year in conjunction with Science Atlantic. The main goal of AUPAC is to encourage undergraduate students to become familiar with research in physics and astronomy. Students who have worked on a research project, either as a research assistant or for an honours project under the supervision of one or more physics faculty, each presented their research in a 15-minute talk. Of the six students from UPEI who attended the conference, four gave presentations. A total of 27 presentations were given by students from all universities in attendance.
“It was a phenomenal experience to be able to discuss science with peers across all the Atlantic provinces,” said MacNevin. “Bringing home this award is a reflection of UPEI’s many opportunities for undergraduates to get involved in research early.”