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UPEI Community Bulletin: University and UPEI FA willing to return to talks

| University
image of paved walkway on campus with bright winter sun

As indicated in previous messages, UPEI remains committed to reaching a settlement with the UPEI Faculty Association (UPEI FA) through any avenue, including interest arbitration, to achieve a mutually beneficial agreement that is in the best interests of our students and University community, and before any labour disruption occurs.

After the UPEI FA conducted a strike vote on February 13–14, the UPEI FA’s chief negotiator sent a letter to the University’s chief negotiator this morning—February 15—indicating an interest in returning to talks at the negotiating table.

The University welcomes the return to bargaining with the assistance of mediator Michelle Flaherty, who has indicated her willingness to assist the parties if both parties agree.

As more information becomes available, updates will be sent to students, staff, and faculty via their official UPEI email accounts and posted on All our past communications about the status of University-Faculty Association negotiations can be found on this site.

Please know that there are supports available for you at this time. If you need assistance, UPEI has a number of resources for students through UPEI Student Affairs, including personal counselling (, and the International Student Office ( UPEI faculty and staff can access resources on the HR site on myUPEI while eligible employees can call the Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-387-4765 for support.

Media Contact

Nicole Phillips
Director of Communications and University Relations
Marketing and Communications

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