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UPEI is participating in Bell Let’s Talk Day on January 25

Creating positive change for mental health
| Events
Infographic for Bell Let's Talk
Infographic for Bell Let's Talk

UPEI is excited to participate once again in the Bell Let's Talk campaign as part of our year-round efforts to build a culture of care that nurtures and celebrates the mental health and wellness of everyone in the University community.

Since 2011, Canadians and people around the globe have joined in the world’s largest conversation around mental health on Bell Let’s Talk Day. Together we have taken big steps to reduce the stigma around mental health issues, inspire one another to take action, and help create a Canada where everyone can access the mental health support they need. But it is clear more needs to be done. Bell Let’s Talk Day takes place this year on January 25.

This year’s campaign highlights ways we can all create meaningful change and take action by doing one or more of the following:

• Choose a mental health organization to learn about or support

• Help a friend struggling with their mental health by learning how to support them

• Ask about how your school, workplace, or community is creating change for mental health

• Nurture your own well-being by practicing and learning mental health strategies

• Get involved in a mental health initiative, or organize an event to support mental health

• Engage in conversations about mental health to fight stigma

UPEI is joining in the 13th annual Bell Let’s Talk initiative by assembling resources and partnering on a number of activities taking place all week. Learn more.

On Bell Let’s Talk Day, January 25, here is how you can join the conversation:

Share your actions using #BellLetsTalk and help inspire others to join the movement to create positive change. You can find resources, learn more about some of the organizations providing mental health supports and services throughout Canada, and download the Bell Let’s Talk toolkit to begin your own conversation about mental health and create positive change at home, school, or in the workplace.

UPEI students, staff, and faculty are encouraged to take part in Bell Let’s Talk Day activities on campus. Below are just a few of the activities taking place on January 25:

Bell Let’s Talk Booths—Thought Bubbles, Reusable Bag, and Free Toque!

Drop by the W.A. Murphy Student Centre or Robertson Library to share a message, a hashtag, or a resource to help contribute to the mental health conversation! Blank thought bubbles, markers, and tape will be provided, and you are invited to add a message, and hang your bubble. Afterwards, pick up a free Bell Let’s Talk reusable bag or blue toque! 

Canadian Mental Health Association is Here to Help

The Canadian Mental Health Association, PEI Division, will be on hand between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm at the W.A. Murphy Student Centre to offer support for those living with mental illness and to help with navigation of community resources. They will talk with students about mental health and how CMHA can help.

Mental Health Check-In
Between 3:00 and 4:00 pm, students can stop in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre concourse to take a moment to check in and reflect on their mental health. The UPEI Student Union will have free mental health resources and stress management kits (limited supply) for students, and the UPEISU Student Wellness Coordinator will be available to talk to those who wish to do so.

$8 Lunch for Bell Let’s Talk
Enjoy a discounted lunch hosted by Chartwells between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm in the Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall.

Keep listening, talking, and being there for ourselves and each other.

Media Contact

Melanie Taylor
Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications