UPEI Labour Relations Update—Message from Minister re: University-Faculty Association negotiations

The following message was also distributed by email to faculty and staff on January 6, 2023.
As a follow up to the UPEI Labour Relations Update sent on December 20 to faculty and staff, the University has now received a letter from the Hon. Bloyce Thompson, Minister of Economic Growth, Tourism and Culture, who is responsible for the PEI Labour Act, regarding labour negotiations between UPEI and the UPEI Faculty Association (UPEI FA).
Minister Thompson has advised the University that the government-appointed conciliation officer has filed their report, and after consideration, he will be appointing a mediator as quickly as possible, pursuant to section 34 of the Labour Act.
The University’s goal remains to achieve a negotiated collective agreement that is fair to our valued faculty, sessional instructors, librarians, and clinical nursing instructors, and helps the University uphold its mission of providing outstanding learning opportunities to students and fulfill its commitment to the future.
We will continue to share information with the UPEI community by email. To see this and previous updates, please visit upei.ca/labour. If anyone has questions, please email labour@upei.ca.