UPEI Labour Relations Update—Conciliation meetings to resume November 23

The University’s bargaining team received notice on November 7, 2022, from the government-appointed conciliator that conciliation meetings between the University and UPEI Faculty Association (UPEI FA) will resume later this month, with two dates scheduled: November 23 and November 24. (Read correspondence sent last week to the conciliator from the both the UPEI FA and University.)
Considerable progress has been made during conciliation meetings since they began on October 4, and the University looks forward to continuing discussions on both the UPEI FA’s and University’s proposals.
The conciliation process is helping the parties resolve many issues and reach agreements. The University is optimistic that further progress can be made, and a collective agreement achieved.
We will continue to share information with the UPEI community by email. To see this and previous updates, please visit upei.ca/labour. If anyone has questions, please email labour@upei.ca.