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Time is running out, become a volunteer for the 2023 Canada Games today!

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The 2023 Canada Winter Games run February 18 to March 5, 2023
The 2023 Canada Winter Games run February 18 to March 5, 2023

UPEI is partnering with the Canada Games Host Society during the 2023 Canada Winter Games from February 18 to March 5, 2023, and they need volunteers! From scorekeepers and ushers to drivers and bloggers, it will take thousands of people working together to plan and support all the athletic and cultural events during the Games.  

UPEI has developed Guidelines for Volunteer Leave for the 2023 Canada Winter Games. UPEI employees who wish to volunteer are eligible to apply for up to 15 hours of paid time off to volunteer for the Games. To learn more and apply to be a volunteer, visit the 2023 Canada Winter Games Volunteer Portal.

Media Contact

Melanie Taylor
Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications

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