LMMI will hold its 15th biennial international conference June 22 to 26

The L.M. Montgomery Institute (LMMI), University of Prince Edward Island, will hold its 15th biennial international conference from June 22 to 26, featuring a combination of in-person and virtual presentations.
Co-chairing the conference are Dr. Alan MacEachern, a professor of history at Western University and LMMI Visiting Scholar, and Dr. Lesley Clement, a retired English professor from Lakehead University and LMMI Visiting Scholar from 2019 to 2021.
The conference will examine research pertaining to Montgomery’s life, writings, and scholarship through the lens of “re-vision,” for example, editing of literary works; reinventions within Montgomery’s life; translations; new editions; and literary, dramatic, musical, new media, and other adaptations.
The theme of this conference revisits that of the 2020 conference, “L.M. Montgomery and Vision,” which had to be cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic. In lieu, the LMMI created the L.M. Montgomery and Vision Forum Collection, which hosts scholarly presentations, creative projects, and information about the LMMI and Montgomery-related projects.
“We are so excited to be able to host our international conference again this year, after having had to cancel the 2020 event,” said Dr. Philip Smith, chair of the LMMI. “Delegates from 18 countries have registered to attend the conference in person or virtually. The widespread distribution of our delegates is witness to the enduring power and appeal of Montgomery and her incredible body of work.”
A separate event on Tuesday, June 21, will be the launch of a new book, L.M. Montgomery and Gender, edited by Montgomery scholars Dr. Holly Pike and Dr. Laura Robinson. This book arose from presentations at the 2016 conference, which explored the theme of gender in Montgomery’s writings. The book launch, which will also include The Summer Trade: A History of Tourism on Prince Edward Island by history professors Dr. Edward MacDonald and Dr. Alan MacEachern, will take place in the Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building, at 7 pm. Sponsored by McGill-Queen’s University Press and The Bookmark, the launch is open to the public.
For more information about the conference, visit https://lmmontgomery.ca/registration-lmmontgomery-revision.