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UPEI Health Centred Research Clinic conducting survey about COVID-19 vaccine and immunization program

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The UPEI Health Centred Research Clinic is seeking participants for a province-wide online survey that explores Islanders' views of the COVID-19 vaccine and ongoing immunization program. Eligible participants include residents of PEI over the age of 18 years.

Findings from the survey will be used to inform the development of the Island Vaccine Support Program, an intervention that aims to provide support to Islanders about immunization. 

To access the survey, including the study's letter of information, please visit

The survey will take 15 to 20 minutes. All participants will have the opportunity to enter a draw to win one of four $100 Walmart gift cards. Participation is voluntary. By participating in this research, Islanders will help the research team increase their understanding about how Islanders decide whether to become vaccinated and/or vaccinate their children.

Led by Dr. William Montelpare, Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health at UPEI, the Island Vaccine Support Program is a collaboration between UPEI’s faculties of Science, Nursing, and Education and the CHANCES Family Centre (Caring, Helping, And Nurturing, Children Every Step).
The Island Vaccine Support Program will use a community outreach model to provide accurate information about immunization programs; identify and reduce barriers that prevent individuals from participating in immunization programs; and create opportunities for informed decision-making about immunization.

To learn more about this study, please contact Dr. William Montelpare, principal investigator, at or Dr. Kate Kelly, research lead, at This project has been reviewed by the UPEI Research Ethics Board and complies with Tri-Council guidelines for research involving human participants.

Media Contact

Anna MacDonald
Communications Officer
Marketing and Communications

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