Caring for two: Managing your broodmare and foal

An effective “broodmare care and management program” is essential for a healthy foal, but where do you start?
“Broodmares require special care and attention to ensure the best outcome for both mom and foal,” says Dr. Jennifer Burns, equine veterinarian and assistant professor, Atlantic Veterinary College, at the University of Prince Edward Island. “An effective broodmare management program is important to help mares have a safe and successful pregnancy.”
In the AVC’s Community Workshop Series, Burns will focus on what to do before, during, and after foaling, and dive deeper into best management practices to keep both mare and foal healthy. She will discuss how to manage the pregnant mare, steps to prepare for foaling, and when emergency veterinarian intervention is required, and she will cover post-foaling care for both mare and foal.
“Knowing what to do in a foaling emergency is key to having a positive outcome,” explains Burns. “The birth of a foal is one of the most rewarding experiences a horse owner can have. Proper care and preparation will facilitate a positive outcome.”
The AVC Community Workshop Series will take place on Tuesday, April 5, at 7:30 p.m. Atlantic Daylight Time through Zoom. The workshop is free to attend and open to the public. Registration is not required, although it is encouraged.
For more information and to register, go to