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UPEI Healthy Aging Research Committee conducting survey of PEI seniors

| Research
A senior types on a keyboard.

The UPEI Healthy Aging Research Committee is conducting a survey titled “The Senior’s Survey,” which is open to any residents of PEI aged 65 and older who are living in the community.

Adults over 65 make up a growing part of the Island’s population. Many of them experience negative stereotypes about getting older, and the larger community is not always aware of what older individuals might need.

Through this study, the committee wants to learn more about contributions made by seniors to the community so that they can be highlighted to counteract negative ageist stereotypes. The committee also wants to increase understanding of the experiences of community-dwelling seniors in getting the support they need to maintain and improve their health and social well-being. The information collected will be used to inform government to help it develop policies, services, and programs to foster healthy aging; to engage older adults so they can be guiding partners for change; and inform further research.

Participating seniors will be asked to complete an online survey consisting of 46 questions about their relationship with the community, accessibility to support in the community, and use of services and resources. 

For more information, please contact Dr. Jessica Strong, (902) 894-2889,, or Dr. Nia Philips, Chair of the Department of Psychology, (902) 566-0966,

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Anna MacDonald
Communications Officer
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