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UPEI takes part in CUSC’s 2022 Survey of First-Year Students

| Students
photo of pencil filling in survey form

Many of UPEI’s first-year students are being invited via their UPEI email to participate in the 2022 Survey of First-Year Students, along with students from more than 50 other Canadian institutions. The survey is coordinated by the Canadian University Survey Consortium (CUSC-CCREU).

Feedback will help us learn more about students’ experiences at UPEI. By completing this survey, students are helping UPEI develop initiatives that will serve them and other students.

Core areas covered by the survey include:

  • motivation and decision to attend university
  • use of and satisfaction with various facilities and services
  • students’ academic profile
  • financing education
  • assessment of the overall university experience

First-year students should check their UPEI email to see if they have been invited to complete the survey. Survey responses are completely confidential and participation is voluntary.

Interested in learning more about the survey? Visit the CUSC-CCREU website at



Dr. Yuqin Gong
Manager of Institutional Research
Office of the Vice-President Academic and Research

Media Contact

Nicole Phillips
Director of Communications and University Relations
Marketing and Communications