Message from the President: New COVID-19 measures at UPEI, effective December 18

The following message was issued to students, faculty, and staff via their emails on December 17, 2021.
Dear Members of the UPEI Community,
With this afternoon’s briefing by the PEI Chief Public Health Office (PEI-CPHO) to introduce further COVID-19 restrictions on PEI, UPEI will implement the following measures effective 8 am, Saturday, December 18, 2021, until January 8, 2022:
- All exams will be either online, postponed, or cancelled. Each instructor will determine the exam format and communicate with students directly. Students scheduled to write exams on campus beginning Saturday, December 18 should wait for instruction from their instructor.
- Employees will be supported to work from home if operationally feasible; they must consult and receive approval from their supervisor. Employees providing essential services will continue to work according to the schedule assigned by their supervisor.
- The Atlantic Veterinary College Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Diagnostic Services, Animal Resources, and Central Services will continue to provide essential services and will follow plans in relation to external clients.
- The UPEI Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre gymnasium and fitness centre will remain open, but will operate at 50 per cent capacity, under their pre-approved PEI-CPHO plan.
- The Robertson Library will remain open, but operate at 50 per cent capacity, under their pre-approved PEI-CPHO plan.
- The UPEI Health and Wellness Centre will remain open until end-of-day Thursday, December 23, 2021.
- Campus buildings will remain open until end-of-day Thursday, December 23, 2021, at which time they will be closed for the holiday break.
UPEI will continue to monitor the situation, in alignment with PEI-CPHO guidance, and provide updates to the campus community as required.
UPEI has a number of resources for students through UPEI Student Affairs, including personal counselling (, and the International Student Office ( UPEI faculty and staff can access the Employee Assistance Program at 1-800-387-4765 for support.
GREG KEEFE, DVM, MSc, MBA (he/him)
President and Vice-Chancellor (Interim)
University of Prince Edward Island