Atlantic University Sport pauses 2021–22 competition schedule

In a news release issued December 22, 2021, Atlantic University Sport (AUS) announced it will pause all university sport competitions until at least January 19, 2022. This decision was made in accordance with the recent public health restrictions set by each of the Atlantic provinces. The University of Prince Edward Island is a member of the AUS, which is one of four conferences in U SPORTS, the national governing body for university sport in Canada.
The statement indicated that the AUS will continue to monitor and follow public health directives regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and will have more information available regarding the resumption of the 2021–22 season in January.
The AUS also stated that together with its member institutions, it remains committed to the delivery of university sport in winter 2022 in a manner that maintains the health and safety of all stakeholders as our top priority.
"The health and well-being of our student-athletes is our main concern as we navigate this latest wave of COVID-19, and we understand that providing them with meaningful competition is part of that,” said AUS executive director, Phil Currie. "While pausing the AUS schedule is a necessary decision given our current reality, we are confident that under the guidance of our provincial health authorities we will return to the field of play and finish the 2021-22 season in a way that is safe for everyone."